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Everything posted by Overlord

  1. Do you have an experimental or legacy server? Oxide folder is inside the experimental folder, and inside it will be the plugins folder where the oxide mods go. When you upload a new plugin it will create a config file, data file, or both depending on the mod. I can help you out where needed just let me know.
  2. yes you can use ARKon. If you look on your server control panel for ARK you will see it under RCON details. Download it and put your server info into it an connect.
  3. You will need to check in your addweaponcargo.log on your server and see what the kick was for then add it to the addweaponcargo.txt. The line will be the number plus 2 for the line the exception needs to be added. battleye addweaponcargo restriction 1 will be added on line 3 of the addweaponcargo.txt.
  4. Are you using Enhanced Spawn Selection and if you are what version are you using? If you are using ESSv3 open the spawn_config.sqf and look for class level: class_level1 = ["0","0","0"]; class_level2 = ["0","0","0"]; class_level3 = ["0","0","0"]; Spawn level: spawn_level1 = ["0","0","0"]; spawn_level2 = ["0","0","0"]; spawn_level3 = ["0","0","0"]; This is where you enter the uid's. There are also custom loadouts you can set.
  5. There are never any stupid questions. We all have learned at some time or another.
  6. This is what i am running for a long time now. @Exile;@HVP;@HWP;@EBM -servermod=@ExileServer;@infiSTAR_Exile
  7. What is the whole custom parameters line you have? You need to call Exile files if you are not. you need @Exile;@ExileServer;@AdvancedTowing or @Exile;@AdvancedTowing -servermod=@ExileServer
  8. FTP access through Filezilla is working fine for me on all my servers. I have had issues connecting in the past and they fixed it for me.
  9. You can add plugins while the server is running. What version of oxide do you have running? I would try unchecking oxide submit changes and restart the server then pick oxide from the dropdown and submit and restart server to get oxide to update to the latest version. I am running a Rust server from survival servers with oxide and i am not having any issues.
  10. Any of these will work for your loadscreen. 2048x1024 1024x512 512x256
  11. Overlord


    Are the vehicles that are disappearing purchased vehicles? If so look into the exile_server_config, open config.cpp and look for class Database and make adjustments to your liking. class Database { // Remove all deleted items from the database after X days
  12. I believe what you are looking for is in the ExileClient_gui_inventory_updatePopTabControls.sqf. You can copy that file from the exile_client.pbo, make the changes you want to the file, then put it in your mission file and call it from CfgExileCustomCode.
  13. I added you on steam. I also joined your server and played around for a couple of hours. Just message me any time you are needing help on anything.
  14. What do you need help with? I am willing to help with whatever i can to get you going.
  15. Try PBO manager. That is what i always use to unpack and repack the pbo files. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16369
  16. I run an Overpoch through survival servers and there is a folder called config in the mission file. There is an epochconfig.sqf that has all of the DZE and other configs in it. It depends on what you are running but check there for a config.
  17. @Exile;@ExileServer;@lingor3;@panthera;@CUP_Terrains_Core;@CUP_Terrains_Maps; Try this but don't forget to rename your CUP folders in your arma 3 directory to match.
  18. Look back through your files. It cannot find these by what you rpt says. If you have added or changed anything i would start there. 0:05:00 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf not found 0:05:00 BIKE: loading version 2.5.1 ... 0:05:00 BIKE: adding bike to safe vehicle list... 0:05:00 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\dynamic_vehicle.sqf not found 0:05:00 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\mission.sqf not found
  19. Are all of the vector objects resetting? If so i would double check your install again and make sure all the serverside changes are there so that everything updates correctly and stays.
  20. If you are using Survival Servers you can use: @Exile;@ExileServer;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons;@A3XAI or @Exile;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons -servermod=@ExileServer;@A3XAI
  21. Is that the right version for Hurtworld? Hurtworld is at 2.0.1744 but it shows 2.0.1747 in the logs. I notice that Rust is at 2.0.1747 could we have the wrong oxide in the hurtworld servers?
  22. Try this. I had the issue of A3Launcher no recognizing @infiSTAR_Exile so i moved them to after -servermod and that fixed my issue. @Exile;@Bornholm;@mas -servermod=@ExileServer;@infistar_exile
  23. https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2316-oxide/ Look at post 9 and 10. You need to add them in the launch parameters line in your control panel.
  24. You can. I am also renting from survival servers and i have disabled oxide, deleted the folder, then enable oxide and it writes the folder back to stock. Move your plugins back over and you are good to go. My oxide would not load either until i did the above fix.