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  4. I didn't use my server for a couple of weeks and started to again a few days ago. Since then, it's been an absolute shitshow. First and foremost, every single freaking time I log in, boom, everything I did before I logged out is gone. So I can't capture more animals because GUESS WHAT? I have one turkey. AGAIN. I have no capybaras. AGAIN. One time I logged in and 2 of my 3 bonfires were gone. What the actual f? I have literally never had shit like that happen before. AND every. single. day. my server is not online when I go to log in. I know they reboot on a regular basis but before, that was always a REBOOT, not a TAKE DOWN. I have a hunch that is connected to the fact that shit is just disappearing. My frustration level is at a maximum right now. I'm just not even playing. What's the point of playing when your progress just resets every single day? So if anyone could help me with how to ensure that my server gets saved before I log off and before it does a reboot, I would be in your debt.
  5. Does anyone know how to turn this off as the default? I have not seen anything in the in-game admin panel.
  6. I also have the same issue. Did you find any solution?
  7. Game Server ID 199851 Status Unknown Ticket number 742892 Thankyou
  8. How about having the option to have the server pause when no one is logged in? We got a bit lazy and the meat would rot and the dinos would start to go through the food in their food trough. Life is busy enough that I don't want to add to my todo list "feed the virtual dinosaurs."
  9. All unknowns should be good to go now. If you still see any please let us know in a ticket.
  10. During the weekday we get to tickets pretty fast. During the weekends it can take a little bit longer depending how busy things are.
  11. Please send a ticket in and we will take a look into this.
  12. Earlier
  13. Hey, I bought a new server tonight and I'm trying direct connect to the port listed on my server profile, but it links into someone else's server with a different name? Lemme know what I can do.
  14. I just lunch my server i invited all of you to check it out. [PC SERVER] OPEN TODAY RandomSelect |PvP| BBP| ATM| KillFeed| Paragon| Your MOM+ .Koth .DNA CHEST .TIME CRATES .CUSTOM GEARS .PARAGON WEAPONS .PVP .FIRST AND 3 PERSON .24/7 RAID .LB MODS discord.com/invite/mfjfEqUUVz
  15. Hi, did you find a way to do it?
  16. I've sat for a week now waiting for a reply in my ticket. It says to wait 12 to 24 hours for a ticket but here I am still waiting. I want my money back for not being able to run a server that I paid for last week. The services here have been nothing but troublesome. Are you running a server service or a scam at this point? I read up on the history of this service and it seems you have a reputation to not answer tickets. I just want my money back. That is all. I wont sit by and not me heard. Please do something as this is getting ridiculous.
  17. They moved files from one machine to another. Instead of making a copy before moving the server and transferring the current files, they rolled back the game saves by 3 days. Players lost hours of gameplay and days of game progress. People who transferred files should not work for such a company because it negatively affects opinions and business. Players do not want to rent servers from a company that wastes game progress with something as simple as transferring files.
  18. GAME SERVER ID #200056 Server Status Unknown TICKET #742420 Since making a server I've had nothing but issues. I hope the new Data Center fixes all these issue. Starting to have second guessing with choosing this provider. My community and I are hoping things work out as I've just started using Survival Servers.
  19. You will want to edit the config yml file within the root of the FTP client. Once in that file at the very bottom you can call a custom scenario.
  20. Hello all, I've been spending most of my night trying to figure this one out: I've got an OptiPlex micro (i5-8500t, no graphic's card, just integrated graphics) server set up with proxmox running a windows 10 VM. It's got a Minecraft server that I set up that works. When following the steps to setup the valheim server on the OptiPlex, I can't connect to the server. The server DOES show up in my steam server browser and in the in-game browser, but when I try to connect I get a "can't connect" error. I've made sure the ports are open and forwarded both in my router's firewall and window's firewall. Here's the weird thing. I did the SAME exact process, step by step, with my gaming pc (has a graphics card in it). Same exact port forwarding settings (change of IP), same server config settings, same microsoft visual studio c++ redistributables installed. It just seems to not want to work on my home server. If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it. In the start_headless_server.bat file (when started up and rolling), at the end I get 2 repeating lines, "Playfab reconnect server "My server" and "Server 'My Server' begin Playfab create and join network for server. (seems weird that it says "my server" instead of my server name "Server test Server". I do not get this with the server on my gaming rig. I find it hard to believe that the hardware in the optiplex would be an issue. its got 16 gb ram, 256gb storage, and an 8th gen i5. runs the minecraft server extremely well. Thanks!
  21. NEW DAYZ XBOX SERVER New DayZ is a 2x FPP ONLY xbox server with a good community and active admins. It has Bunkers - Weekly Raiding - Factions - Active Trader (WITH SAFEZONES) - Full cars - Custom Bases - Discord Hit/Kill Feed - Server events and so mutch more! Server is very balanced, you will only get the top guns from the bunkers, Food is a little little more boosted then official but nothing crazy! So if you are looking for a slight boostes server u found the right one Check their discord out for more info! https://discord.gg/newdayz To find the server on XBOX go into community tab and search (NewDayz) Gather your boys, get geared, and take over the world I’ll cya all in Chernarus copy_E10534F6-043A-4DA9-B6C5-64B98AB3A9FE.mov
  22. Hi everyone, I created a rust server a week ago, for all old and new players, the server has 5X resources, the WIPE is every Monday and the BP every two weeks, anyone who wants to join is welcome, thanks for your attention
  23. server name - HAVEN HOUSE : Official SCUM Project direct connect - discord community - https://discord.gg/havenhouse max ping - 500 [U.S. Based Server / All Welcome] server focus - PvE + PvP [Zoned] * [6 Large PvP Zones / 4 Vanilla Outposts] server economy - Vanilla with very slight Q.O.L. Adjustments for Increased need for strategy/ slight adjustments for balance trader economy - Vanilla with slight Realism Adjustments/ Prices are the same however some drains and usage costs have been shifted to be more realistic, in some cases this brings slightly easier play sometimes it may agitate you, we understand its not for everyone. staff & community - staff is active in discord and we take suggestions and criticisms we cant grow without honest feedback, we arent gonna jump down your throat n cuss at you etc. community is friendly and small but growing, if you need anything reach out and someone will grab hold so to speak , if you have questions dont feel embarassed just ask, we all hadta find out someway somewhen right server size - we are only a 20 slot server for the time being, this may change in the future Thank you for your time and your eyes reading our lil advert @};~, sincerely // Moby D - Babysmurf - TheOnlyRaze - ItzAshley & The Rest of Our Staff at The Haven House
  24. How did you start it up? I have the Reforged Eden2 files in the Content/Scenarios folder but dont know how to launch it.
  25. forgot to update this but ISSUE RESOLVED lol
  26. if you leave auto update enabled it will throw it out of whack and itll show 64 slots again. if it ever reverts to 64 after an admin restart just retrace the steps above, there are a few different configurations but the listed one was the most consistent of the ones i found.
  27. during the process of trying to solve a seperate issue i believe i found a solve for the issue of servers showing 64 slots instead of 20 (or whatever the renters slot size actually is) when viewing the in game server roster// -stop server , -refresh webpage, -disable auto updates, -enable update+validate function, -all 1 time toggles remain off! , -and start server - do Not use either restart button Use the start button. worked 6 times in a row so no need for hosters to change their server location and wipe server to solve this issue anymore!!! happy 4th of july dames n degens, hope this helps some of you out of a jam)
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