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  1. @PSN_steven1230 This was one of those questions I have asked myself since coins and custom traders came out. Being that you call for that information from the client side. Not that I need to remove them, just wondering if the database would break if they were taken out. I guess it the OCD in me when it comes to files being useful or not. Thank you TBsThug
  2. I have a origins overwatch tavi server. Can I remove server_traders, trader_tids, and traders_data from the database? I do not use the old system for currency. I use coin and all my traders are custom. That information seems useless to have. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPDxDzG5HEjIZjVJ5gBj3-RW_mTJt-CHCehvlr1
  3. I just put in a ticket, if you need more information. I will get it to you. You guys/gals have always got me going in a pinch.
  4. In another server I put the following lines in the Game.ini through filezilla. Do I do the same here? I ask because I have put some other lines in the gameusersetting.ini and restarted the server and they were gone. I found out how to work the gameusersetting.ini so all good there.
  5. I have a Tanoa Server. How do you remove player markers. I tried to up the difficulty to regular and that did not work. Veteran took away 3rd person.
  6. Need help. I have a Tanoa Server. I want to set the difficulty level to Veteran, but I want third person view. I changed the difficulty on the control panel, but it puts you in first person. I looked in the Admin/Users/Admin/Admin.Arma3Profile As you can see the 3rdPersonView=1 that is default still when in game players are in first person. What I wanted in the first place was to get rid of the players markers. You can see each others markers in Regular. class Veteran { class Flags { Armor=0; FriendlyTag=0; EnemyTag=0; MineTag=1; HUD=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; HUDGroupInfo=1; AutoSpot=0; WeaponCursor=0; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=1; UltraAI=0; CameraShake=0; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=1; VonID=1; ExtendetInfoType=0; }; skillFriendly=0.6; skillEnemy=0.6; precisionFriendly=0.28; precisionEnemy=0.28; };
  7. tbsthug

    Tanoa Issue

    Thank you very much for your work
  8. tbsthug

    Tanoa Issue

    Flash92 I am waiting just like you, but I have these chill pills. If you would like to have one, I will be more then glad to share.
  9. tbsthug

    Tanoa Issue

    Is this the one where it tells you you have to purchase and then does not tell you what?https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/487376647/purchase%20problem.jpg
  10. Just trying to find out if and when you think you may have an update for exile 0.9.8 Kiwi for the servers.
  11. @Exile;@ExileServer;@lingor3;@panthera;@CUP Terrains - Core;@CUP Terrains - Maps; That is my launch parameters it does not work any thoughts
  12. So I dont know whats going on with the Launch Parameters. I made a home server using the same files that are in the Survival Servers root. Here are the ones that I copied: @Exile @australia @CUP Terrains - Core @CUP Terrains - Maps @ExileServer keys When I go into game the items that I installed in @ExileServer/Addons/a3_custom.pbo are there all of them. Here is my start.bat file: @echo off start "arma3" /min /high "arma3server.exe" -port=2412 "-config=D:\ARMA 3 SERVER\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\Admin\config.cfg" "-cfg=D:\ARMA 3 SERVER\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\Admin\basic.cfg" "-profiles=D:\ARMA 3 SERVER\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\Admin" -name=default -filePatching "-mod=@australia;@CUP Terrains - Core;@CUP Terrains - Maps;@Exile;@ExileServer" -autoInit
  13. @Exile;@ExileServer;@australia;@CUPTerrainsCore;@CUPTerrainsMaps Renamed folders to @CUPTerrainsCore and @CUPTerrainsMaps http://pastebin.com/ne91W5i0 RPT @Exile;@ExileServer;@australia;@CUP_Terrains_Core;@CUP_Terrains_Maps Renamed folders to @CUP_Terrains_Core and @CUP_Terrains_Maps http://pastebin.com/K6anRMd8 RPT @Exile;@ExileServer;@australia;@CUP Terrains - Core;@CUP Terrains - Maps Renamed folders to @CUP Terrains - Core and @CUP Terrains - Maps This is the only one that would let the server show up The two above would not show up in the A3 list http://pastebin.com/4pCGTJAJ RPT