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Software/Tool/Feature Requests - Post Here

Ryan Pennington

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If you have an idea for a software/tool that you think we should support, please post here.


I will take a look and see if I can do it and update the status in this post.


Open Requests

  • Epoch Settings - quick ability to change hard-coded Epoch settings - planned
  • A3Wasteland Settings - planned
  • infiSTAR A3 tools - in progress, coming soon
  • Control Panel - Log Viewer - planned
  • Control Panel - File Manager - planned

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The complexity to implement this kind of feature outweighs the benefits. I would recommend date stamping a sub-folder with your edits in the root folder style (folder called Admin, folder in there called BattlEye with scripts inside) so that you can revert back if you make changes from your local backup.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Can we please get an Invade and Annex game-mode option in the control panel please. I just posted a tut on how to do it without the game-mode being in the control panel but can't use the control panel update button as it will reset all my hard work and I will have to do it again. (I say hard work even though its only a few files because it took me a lot of research and time to figure this out)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Do you have any recommendations, what I'm looking for is admin support for mods like @mas, or is there a way to edit the admin spawn menu?

Ad me on steam SkurvYHippO or Pourter. I run emod31 epoch0303 abd at mas. Iys very easy I'll help u

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any idea on when the InfiStar will be implemented ?

Im just curious cause ive never seen it.. the integrated AH works fine for me really :)

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  • 2 months later...

I know somebody has already mentioned the logs, but I'd also really like to be able to view the console. Would help a lot to be able to see what's loading, what the server is getting stuck on, which mods might be giving issues, as it's happening and such.


Thanks muchly :)

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  • 1 month later...

Anything infiSTAR related can be asked on his forums. It's updated too frequently, we may not be adding it to our automated panel until things are much more stable (couple months)

Is there a ETA when Esseker will be added Ryan?

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...

We're really missing the ability to view/modify the server startup parameters. or at least some way for the user to enable/disable "-autoInit".


It would be nice to see this in the future! 


other than that we are really happy with the server.



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Autoinit is enabled by default for A3 servers. I don't see any reason to disable it?


There are various missions for A3 (liberation for example) that have different mission parameters like difficulty, stamina on/off, aI spawn etc.


Now normally you are able to access these parameters in the lobby as the admin, and change them to your wishes.


But with autoinit on the server automatically starts the game and doesnt give you any time to change these settings.


the only way to edit them is to download the mission, de-pbo the mission_params file and upload it again which is a pain in the butt if you have to adjust these parameters more often. also this requires a restart which makes it even more painful.




also because of this it would be nice to have:

(taken from wiki)




Automatically initialize mission just like first client does.

Note: Server config file (server.cfg) must contain "Persistent=1;", if it's 0 autoInit skips. Also its break the Arma_3_Mission_Parameters function, so not use it when you work with mission parameters, only default values are returned!


which basically means you are forced to have persitent=1.

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  • 1 month later...

Please modify the game panel so we can choose what sections will be saved when making changes. Say like the following


Restarts- its own save and should be customizable for times, and the restart warnings

Server name,mod, arma update, and locking password - its own save

Rcon password,max ping- its own save

Battleye and BEC- its own save

All difficulty settings- its own save

Modify FTP and database passwords- its own save

Upload mission.pbo- its own save


This would save alot of headaches for many a server owner out here. The game panel should also show logs, or a real time log view for troubleshooting new startups. 

Make sure the game panel uploads the files needed correctly for each mod that is selected from the mod pulldown menu.

Also, when using sub user accounts, if the subuser saves information, and there name is different than the name of the person that setup the server, the files uploaded are loaded incorrectly, and will not work. They are associated with that users name, and not the name of the person it was setup owner. Found that out the hard way with my coder using his sub user account.


Please look into some of these, and see what may be able to be done about some of them. We really appreciate your taking the time to look at it. Without these changes, the game panel is basically just good for start, stop, and restart. Because thats all you can do with it once you setup the config files the correct way.. For Exile anyways.

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