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  1. We have created a cluster and we cant transfer dinos outside th setting off what disallow download dinos outside cluster. I cant find any way or form to make it so we could download old dinos from the last time we have saved into singleplayer and bring them into the new servers can somebody please help what to do...
  2. I'm currently hosting 2 servers, Lost Island as the first and main one and Crystal Isles as the recently added one. I've already set up all necessary settings like, cluster codes, disabling prevent uploads/downloads and enabling no transfer from filtering as well. However, whenever I tried to transfer from Lost Island to Crystal Isles, I ran into this problem where it forces me to create a character when I loaded into Crystal Isles. I've already read a lot of threads about this issue, but those was years ago and didn't even found a solution for it as well. Any fixes for this?
  3. Hey! To explain a little more my server cluster is 3 servers. Servers A, B, C. When on A I can transfer to B just fine but when I transfer to server C (from either A or B ) it appears to work properly, and it shows the new spawn locations, but after clicking "spawn survivor" for any of the locations it prompts me to create a new survivor. I have to log out/return to the previous server to retrieve my existing character after this happens. Server C shows up in the "Join with Survivor" list just like server B does and they are all 3 setup with identical settings. Server C was initially set for Gen 2 and server B is setup for Gen 1, but the issue with server C continues even after changing the map to Extinction or The Island. All 3 servers are PW protected with the same PW. Any advice is appreciated! Ty Edit: After additional testing the issue also happens if I make a toon on server C and try to move to A or B. I also have disabled "No Transfer From Filtering" on all three servers. Edit2: Issue was resolved through support staff.
  4. Hi, I setup a crystal Isle server recently, and my group has been playing on it, well one of our members decided to pay for genesis 2 server as a cluster for us so we set it all up. We have it where it allows uploads, and downloads of survivors on both servers (aka the options aren't checked). However it will not allow us to use our survivors we're trying to transfer to genesis 2. Keeps asking us to create new ones for that map. Transfering the opposite way seems to work fine as well. I put in a ticket, but the issue still persists when it shouldn't. Am I missing something?
  5. Hello everybody, I want to introduce you to the Ark-y-Tek servers. These servers have a x10 multiplier and a peculiarity: they mix PvE servers with a PvP server. This mode is intended for most people, who do not have enough time to survive the extreme aggressiveness of some players, since you can grow in PvE and then move to PvP to fight. To avoid going to PvP just to fight, the movement of objects has been restricted and tell us from PvP to PvE, that is, what is brought to PvP, you have to protect it or lose it. With this growth possibility for all players, balanced battles are guaranteed and armed to the teeth, and not tek rexes armed with atomic warps against stone houses of newcomers, which unfortunately, are usually the most common raids in pure PvP. In addition, one can save reserves in PvE, so when being raided, it would not be necessary to start from scratch, it would even be possible to retaliate. This system, which leaves no one behind, guarantees that the server is NO WIPE The servers are the following: Cluster x10 - # 01 The Island PvE - # 02 Scorched Earth PvE - # 03 The Center PvE - # 04 Ragnarok PvE - # 05 Aberration PvE - # 06 Extinction PvE - # 07 Valguero PvE - # 08 Genesis I PvE - # 09 Crystal Isles PvE - # 10 Genesis II PvE - # 11 Ragnarok PvP All the information and links to the servers on our website and discord: Website: https://www.arkytek.es Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9agDUdJ
  6. Our community has decided to turn all our servers into a cluster between 5 maps The Island: IP: PORT: 19317 Aberration: IP: PORT: 19917 Ragnarok: IP: PORT: 25117 Valguero: IP: PORT: 19717 Genesis: IP: PORT: 20417 Feel free to join our Discord to stay up to date for events or when servers have mod updates Discord: https://discord.gg/ZRGSMA5ubD Mod list: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2463662281
  7. Hello everyone! I am the proud owner of CHAOS. We are a PvP server and looking to fill our maps! We have a good community that we would like to add to. For more info, join discord code: MQeEpD6TNP Hope to see y’all soon!
  8. Come join our new community and experience ark the way it’s meant to be played
  9. Marauders - Fjordor - RPG - PvE - Hx3 Tx5 XPx3 | SurvivalServers.com Friendly PVE 24/7 Server, Admin presence nightly, let's be friends and play some Ark! Looking to become pvp once kingdoms have been built. I would love to connect/cluster servers with anyone! steam://connect/ Mods: Castles and Keeps Legacy Castles and Keeps Remastered Wooden Hanging Bridges Jack and Jill Full Character Replacement Super Structures Awesome Spyglass Eco's Empires - Vikings Eco's Primordial Decor Eco's Primordial Saddles Eco's Organic Saddles *Baryonyx, Trike, Raptor, Parasaur Eco's Trees Human NPC's Rounded Stairs, and Walls Ultra Stacks Shiny Dinos Prehistoric Structures Join our discord! https://discord.gg/HpCh8yhp
  10. Hello all! We have a new server that we are using from Nitrado and plan on adding in more for a massive cluster! Our server is PVP and are looking for more survivors to join! Our stats are slightly boosted to keep the balance of the game. Currently the only map we have is the island and plan on expanding to different maps once we have more survivors in the server. Boosted stats: XP: 5x Taming Speed: 6x Harvesting: 5x Egg hatch: 10x Baby mature and cuddle: 10x Per Level: Weight: 2x Health and Melee: 1.5x We are willing to change stats around to make improvements on the server by simply starting a voting system. Again, these are all slightly boosted to keep the overall fairness and balance of the game, but also make the game not as grindy as it already is. Any questions? Message RobinhoodXXVII. Hope to see you all on the server! Server name: OlympusIsland
  11. if you want to cluster with a ragnarok 10 slot i would be interrested
  12. I'm looking to cluster my server with another server or already clustered servers. I run the island and have avg 20 players daily and i get 40 players weekly (my max) If your interested message my PSN @ Icicled_
  13. Do you all offer the ability to configure and rent a cluster of servers from the beginning or do I need to rent them individually and set them up
  14. I'm trying to figure out how to transfer items/dinos from one map to another. All I've been able to find is some information on "cluster servers" but don't really understand how it works. Can I do it with just the one server I rent? Or do I need to rent an additional server bringing my rented server total to 2? And if that is the case how do I transfer stuff? And if I were to rent an additional server, am I able to transfer the save game files from one rented server to the other?
  15. Hey everyone, I know on this site most people have their own server but I figured I'd post here as well. 5x harv, 20x tame, 20x mating hatch and maturing, Modded drops, ab variants of normal dinos i.e. ab stego, ab trike, etc., shoulder pets. My Rag server is clustered with my Center server which will be switched to Extinction when it comes out. The Center does not have the ab creatures but the same rates as Rag. Have plans for events, and we want beach bobs to be left alone till they can defend themselves. We want competition and desire a community that wants to compete. We have 30 slots for each of the servers. My tribe and I want to be involved and compete like any other tribe. Join our SonsoftheChomp discord if you have any questions and hope to see some of you guys on the server. Have a good one.
  16. Is a process in work to name the cluster server independently?
  17. What's a Cluster and how does it work? The Cluster addon is a way for you to take a single game server and launch two game servers at the same time from the same directory. The only difference would be a slightly adjusted server hostname and +10 for each of the ports. You can join them separately at any time and transfer between the two worlds as well. Any of our drop down maps/expansions are worlds that you can choose from to set for both the parent game server and the Cluster. If you already have a game server with us, simply visit the Addons page, select the game server ID that is associated with the game server you wish to create a Cluster off of and then pay for the Cluster one time prorated cost. The cost of a Cluster is the same exact cost of your parent server. So if you have a 10 slot monthly server it would be $14.00 /mo doubled = $28.00 /mo total for both your parent game server + Cluster addon. It's currently not possible to convert an existing game server to a Cluster. What happens if I have a second game server that I want to convert to a Cluster? We can cater to this request by manually getting you set up on a parent game server. Agree to terminate old server and be invoiced for any difference. We will take in mind how long your secondary game server has left in it's current cycle and apply that to the prorated Cluster addon cost. If the prorated amount of the secondary server is greater than the Cluster addon cost, no invoice will be issued. Simply create a support ticket saying you agree, provide us the primary game server ID and the secondary game server ID you wish to terminate. Wait for customer to finish payment (if necessary) and confirm termination of secondary server. Our staff will manually adjust your parent server to addon the Cluster Our staff will migrate data from the secondary server to the Cluster and set the Cluster world to the secondary server world Our staff will then terminate your secondary server and adjust recurring billing for the primary with Cluster addon How do I configure my Cluster? We're working on adding more options to customize your cluster game server. For now, all of the game settings/configuration is coming from the parent game server. It will be possible to change custom launch parameters for your Cluster. It's a new feature so bare with us while we make it better in the coming days. When will it be possible to remotely Cluster with different IPs or directories? We've already contacted the developers about this but have not received any official word back from them. If they do add this capability, we will add an option for separate game servers to join the same Cluster with a similar cost and ability to transfer from the local Cluster method to the new remote method. That way you pay for the resources you use and don't get stuck into any billing commitment and can enjoy the flexibility of the new method. Can I add more than a single Cluster? We do not have any plans to add more than a single cluster addon server. Known Bugs / Issues Password protected servers does nothing after clicking "Join w/ Survivor" - the transfer is made but you have to exit out of your game client and then log in to the Cluster game server. To find your Cluster game server join address, click the Info Box next to Cluster Server control panel option. After joining the new Cluster, select Download Character Data and your character should be there on the Cluster game server.
  18. I've successfully added settings to my server to allow my cluster server to transfer dinos, players, and items INTO aberration. The issue I have is that they cannot transfer dinos out. They can transfer everything else just fine. For example, if they transfer a wyvern into aberration, when trying to transfer it back to SE or Rag, the wyvern is greyed out to disallow it to be transferred in. The settings I have are as follows on all 3 of my cluster servers. ?PreventDownloadSurvivors=False ?PreventDownloadItems=False ?PreventDownloadDinos=False ?PreventUploadSurvivors=False ?PreventUploadItems=False ?PreventUploadDinos=False ?CrossARKAllowForeignDinoDownloads=true
  19. I've successfully added settings to my server to allow my cluster server to transfer dinos, players, and items INTO aberration. The issue I have is that they cannot transfer dinos out. They can transfer everything else just fine. For example, if they transfer a wyvern into aberration, when trying to transfer it back to SE or Rag, the wyvern is greyed out to disallow it to be transferred in. The settings I have are as follows on all 3 of my cluster servers. ?PreventDownloadSurvivors=False ?PreventDownloadItems=False ?PreventDownloadDinos=False ?PreventUploadSurvivors=False ?PreventUploadItems=False ?PreventUploadDinos=False ?CrossARKAllowForeignDinoDownloads=true
  20. I know it has been in works for some time, but a search for the topic in the forums didn't yield me any results. With the new DLC coming out in late October, will there (or is there) an option to run a third cluster map on our servers? Thanks!
  21. I have been running a pvp server of aberration server since it came out now a lot of us would like to set up a cluster. I have figured out a lot of coding so I know how to change drops and on current server everyone starts with tek engrams learned (-aberition engrams). we are looking to restart/wipe map to start with another new cluster get settings we both agree on and check out the fun with cluster. If u are interested please let me know by replying to this. Thx.
  22. Is it possible to run a cluster with each map having different mods? For example, since the Island map cannot currently transfer Griffins, it would seem beneficial to only load a mod like Breedable Griffins to the Ragnarok map in the cluster. If it IS possible, how complex can you make it? Can you run one cluster server with Primitive + Total Conversion and another with Vanilla?
  23. Heya all, this servers been up for some time, and I had thought to advertise it here as well. I have copy-pasted this from the other sites I Advertise on. Mythis Pack PVPVE Heya all, this is just an advertisement of a Cluster server I own. The current players are limited to 10 per server, but if more people join I can look about increasing these slots. Due note this Server is Modded and has increased rates. The Server is aimed at PVE mostly, but PVP and Friendly Fire are enabled. The Server is totally aimed at those casual players who don't have the time to sit through the default rates. Keep in mind the server is still a active work in progress, I had recently shifted Scorched Earth to The Island as this is a Cluster Server, It hosts both The Center and The Island. A Mod will be incoming to provide the Scorched Earth content once I can find decent mods. The Server IPs are listed in the Copy/pasted section of this message. The Rules are simple. -Have Fun! -Respect your fellow Players! -Do Not Resource Block -Do Not Cave Block -No Greifing or Drama will be tolerated Below is what I had posted on the Steam Ark Survival Evolved Advertisements. I figured to post it here as well! Hello all. I currently Run a PVE server that has cluster functionality. I'm posting this here for anyone who wants a friendly and more laid back experience of Ark. Do note the server's settings maybe tweaked as we go forward and realtime. The Server has been up for a few months, but nothing is blocked for new people to start thier jounry. We decided to open the server up for advertisement so some of us can have people to play with online when we aren't on at the same time. There are only two of us who play on the servers. Do note some features are being tweaked as we go along to fit in the style of play, but the server's purpose is for fun, Tribe wars are enabled, but we are currently a PVE server focused on the casual person to play at thier own pace. There is almost atleast one of the mods on at all times. Some Features: -Players can reach level 100 -40x Baby Hatch and Maturation -Offline PVP is disabled -15x Exp gain -20x harvest -15x tame -Server currently has The Center and The Island. The server has mods: -Tamable Titanboas -S+ -Glass Metal -DPS Rifle -Taming Sedatives -Builder's Helmet -Pimp my Dino -Pet Finder -Egg and Poop Collectors -Bulk Crafters -Stackable Foundations -DecorRP -Better Drops -A Inventory Stacking Mod (I can't remember which one) -Player Tombstone SERVER IP ADDRESSES -The Island: -The Center: WEBSITE SERVER ACCESS (The Island) https://toparkservers.com/server/ (The Center) https://toparkservers.com/server/
  24. Hello, recent customer here. I opened a ticket was told they would research it and get back to me, so I figured I'd go to the community. I couldn't find a post on this problem so forgive me if I'm double posting. I have prevention enabled for dinos on upload and download (see picture) and also "No Transfer From Filtering" checked in the advanced settings on both of my servers (in cluster). For some reason people are still able to upload their dinos from cluster servers but not download them, causing the dinos to be lost in the ether and causing more custodial problems than I would like for my admins to keep the experience smooth for players. So my question is -- is this a known bug unsolvable bug, a bug with a fix or am I experiencing something unique? Someone had complained it was broken, so I made sure my settings were correct--they were--and then an admin tried to do it themselves with the same issue. Downloaded just fine, can't upload. To be clear I want to prevent the download altogether. I DO NOT want dino transfer, only of eggs. Any help is appreciated, thanks all. My Best. (My ticket is 314634 if a CSR sees this.) EDIT: I meant upload. I ironically I said "to be clear" and used the wrong word. I want to prevent UPLOAD of dinos altogether from my servers. Download is already being prevented as it should be.