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  1. Hello, my cluster is status unknown right now. Game Server IDs: 158260, 158927, 161818 Ticket No.: 154762 Thank you!
  2. Help, one of my Ark servers has status unknown. Ticket No.: 530350 Game Server ID: 158260 Edit: Its now been fixed
  3. I'm currently hosting 2 servers, Lost Island as the first and main one and Crystal Isles as the recently added one. I've already set up all necessary settings like, cluster codes, disabling prevent uploads/downloads and enabling no transfer from filtering as well. However, whenever I tried to transfer from Lost Island to Crystal Isles, I ran into this problem where it forces me to create a character when I loaded into Crystal Isles. I've already read a lot of threads about this issue, but those was years ago and didn't even found a solution for it as well. Any fixes for this?