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Conan Exiles: Control Panel Feature Requests

Ryan Pennington

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We wanted to create a place where you can post your ideas and thoughts on ways to enhance the Survival Server's Control Panel in relation to Conan Exiles. This is that place! We'll be able to respond back to you if this is possible or if we're limited on your idea because of other dependencies such as the game developers, security, etc...


I'll be updating this thread's ideas in this thread as well as adding polling options to gauge popularity and demand for particular items/functionality.

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1) Ban list (guid\ip bans allowed, reason, maybe different access levels to cp - admin, moderator)

2) Didn't find server setting, like server type (RP, PvE, PvP etc.)

3) Function of private slots (exemple: Server 70 slots... 10 private (by GUID) 60 public etc)

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Would like to see an option to force the server to update/restart when when server player count reaches 0. (Especially throughout the first few months where patches will hopefully be frequent, it would be convenient to auto update/restart without having to kick any players)

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Current Version# or Build on the Server Control panel (of owners server, not available version to download)

This... so much this.  There's currently no way to verify the server version without doing a full shutdown, update and validate.  It would helpful while troubleshooting with players to be able to quickly show they are on a different version.


I would think there's a way for you guys to see the version number during an update, wouldn't you?  Doesn't SteamCMD or something tell you the version it's downloading when you update?  Maybe you could extract that during update and post it on the server status page as "last known version" or something.


I imagine as the devs add RCON and more admin controls this will be more accessible.  But whenever it's an option it would be good to have.

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Server Community in the Modify Server Config.  If you guys could add a description there that would be great.  I would like to put my server on the RP community but I don't want to restart the server several times just to figure this out.

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Would also be nice to see the log console running, and to be able to add command line argument to the executable.


This please! Cant set max users without command line arguments.

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Hello, after the last update, my server seems to have kept a small part of its name .. namely [FR]. Would it be possible to take a look?

On my pannel I can see: Started 01/02 (XP X2 / Harvest x2) Active Admin


Need a quick help. I lose all my players.


SORRY for my english. im french.

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Missing ServerSettings.ini lines in Modify Config. 
Some of these I know for a fact were there at launch when I set them now they are removed and no longer in my .ini and I have to manually place them. 



Will post others as I find them. 

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Missing ServerSettings.ini lines in Modify Config. 

Some of these I know for a fact were there at launch when I set them now they are removed and no longer in my .ini and I have to manually place them. 






Will post others as I find them. 



It would be really nice to be able to control these without .ini knowledge. I understand you can do it within game, and I do, but it doesn't stay "fixed" that way.


So, this would be my biggest request for the panel, right now.

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It would be really nice to be able to control these without .ini knowledge. I understand you can do it within game, and I do, but it doesn't stay "fixed" that way.


So, this would be my biggest request for the panel, right now.

Yep and if you do need help getting them in your .ini let me know I can walk you through it. 

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How long in game days are, and day and night cycles? I did not see that option on the server config. So I hope this is added soon. :? 

Also If possible to have the option of save intervals for the server.  :)

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Day and night cycles are not currently in the Modify Config Tool.
They were but no longer are..... I think. 
You can manually add them to the ServerSettings .ini by using a tool like Filezilla.

They are 


The settings most use are Day 10.0 and night 1.0 

Would it be possible to have these added back to the MSC tool? 

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Day and night cycles are not currently in the Modify Config Tool.

They were but no longer are..... I think. 

You can manually add them to the ServerSettings .ini by using a tool like Filezilla.


They are 




The settings most use are Day 10.0 and night 1.0 

Would it be possible to have these added back to the MSC tool? 

Thanks this is very helpful, I'll look into it, though I hope they do bring them back in. :)

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