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PR3SIDENT last won the day on February 15 2017

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  • Birthday 05/25/1987

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  1. Current Version# or Build on the Server Control panel (of owners server, not available version to download)
  2. Please submit a support ticket on this issue, feel free to post that ticket # here as well.
  3. Take a look in your GameUserSettings.ini file within the FTP located here: /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer Ensure your admin password in that file is what you think it is...
  4. This should have been resolved, it was something the developers implemented called over damage.
  5. Please open a support ticket for this issue. If the admin login then the command "cheat saveworld" is not working then we'll need the engineering team and possibly the dev team to look into this.
  6. Hey man, have you reset your passwords and restarted yet?
  7. I've cleared your password information from your string. Please be mindful of your server's security.
  8. Hey there, Make sure you're looking in the right directory. We do not reset or write changes to this file.
  9. In the upcoming patch: 181.0 Server owners will have the ability to set the autosave interval manually. (I assume this is a Config option)
  10. You'll want to look into difficulty offset as the server attribute. I havent done this myself but you need to be careful as it can have a pretty signifiant impact on your server. DifficultyOffset=0 DifficultyOffset is a new value that will let you scale difficulty. It is currently clamped 0 to 1 but we may remove this later on. At 1, the creatures and loot will scale by a factor of approximately 3x, at 0 it will be approximately 50%. Source: http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/615086038673139870/
  11. Old list was out of date. What do you mean it's not working properly?
  12. As Ecka has expressed he's no longer able to keep up with this guide - I've taken owneship of this process and started a thread here: https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1593-server-admin-commands/ Thanks for getting us started on this Ecka.
  13. ARK Server Admin Guide Log your game client into your server Open the console enablecheats <yourpass> Manage your server: cheat broadcast <MessageString> | will allow you to broadcast a message to everyone on the server cheat SetMessageOfTheDay <message> | sets a message that pops up when people enter cheat saveworld | saves the current worldstate cheat listplayers | shows a list of all players on the server with their SteamID cheat quit | exits the current world, use after saving for a safe shutdown Manage your users: cheat ban <name> | bans the user from the server cheat unban <name> | unbans the user from the server cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <SteamID> | white-list the person cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <SteamID> | removes their white-list Admin commands: cheat God | enables god mode, you are unkillable except be careful, you can still drown cheat Fly | you are able to fly. cheat Walk | deactivates flying and allows you to walk again cheat forcetame | instantly tames a dinosaur, can ride without saddle too cheat Ghost | noclip, ability to walk through walls/objects cheat ToggleInfiniteAmmo | gives you infinite ammo for your weapons cheat addexperience 1000 0 0 | gives you 1000 xp cheat giveresources | gives you 50 of every resource cheat InfiniteStats | no hunger, Stamina, etc… cheat setplayerpos 0 0 0 | allows you to teleport to coords [coordinates map here] cheat enemyinvisible true/false | makes all creatures ignore you even if you attack them cheat slomo 5 | changes the speed on the server such as player movement, 1= normal speed cheat summon <classname> | summons a dinosaur at your location. [creature list here] cheat destroyall <classname> | destroys all objects/dinosaurs of a classname, refer to the dinosaur or item lists for specific classnames, also works with structures WIP List (advised against usage at this time) Give Item(s): [ Item ID List: HERE ] cheat giveitemnum 1 1 1 false - Give Item cheat giveitemnum 1 1 1 true - Give item blueprint Key: 1 1 1 =1(itemsID),1(Quantity),1(Stats) Source: http://ark.gamepedia.com/Admin_Game_Commands
  14. You can edit these in your server's config file as well /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/GameUserSettings.ini