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Everything posted by Miss_Worden

  1. Anyone know how to get Ace3 Medical working fully with an Exile server? So in the editor I can check pulse and all that via the medical screen, however once loaded into Exile that feature is disabled / not there. Along with not being able to use blood bags. I could have sworn on my past server I had it working.
  2. I did that and it stills shows up [] execVM "addons\statusBar\statusBar.sqf"; execVM "R3F_LOG\init.sqf"; #include "A3XAI_Client\A3XAI_initclient.sqf"; if (isServer) then {[1000,-1,false,100,1000,1000]execvm "zbe_cache\main.sqf"};
  3. In the pop box you are seeing that? I'm guessing you are trying to join a server where you don't have all the mods required.
  4. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26093 The link above is a script that greatly improves FPS on the Server, and Client side. The issue I'm having (well not an issue just something that annoys me) is with this script enabled - You now have the icons on the map that show Idle units, ect. ect. with very very long names it is rather distracting. I am looking for a way to not show them on the map but keep the script intact and working. See attached picture to see what kind of mess this script makes.
  5. Cotton Admin Spawn command is as follows: summonItem OI_Cotton 100 SummonItem OI_MeatRaw 100 SummonItem OI_FishRaw 100
  6. Not sure but I think you have messed with settings, I have my settings just above default and I have 5 pets that are are level 60 plus and are gaining exp (helps to let them run wild on the island and kill everything they come across)
  7. None that I have found. I have been all through the files, looking at everything. I have yet to find anything dealing with Crew Payments or Ship levels.
  8. Look at your WorldAtlasID in the editor and change it to your gameserver ID (Atlas ID on your control panel)
  9. Honestly an extra minute to be able to tell at a glance if all your servers are up from say the home server control panel instead of having to run 9 tabs (in my case) in my view that is exceptable
  10. I run a 4x4 grid and only have 9 of the 16 grids active. Just because you run a 2x2 or a 4x4 map doesn't mean you have to activate all the grids. The larger map just gives you more room to move around to areas you want (I have 4 grids that I keep marked pvp (not recommended for building / living areas) that I like to shift around from time to time))
  11. So can I ask for a silly thing -- Everyone knows that on our control panel it shows this -- 9 Game server ID(s) in Atlas: 79659, 80404, 80405, 80406, 80407, 80902, 81663, 81664, 82160 My idea is to have it read as follows -- All Servers up and running 9 Game server ID(s) in Atlas: 79659, 80404, 80405, 80406, 80407, 80902, 81663, 81664, 82160 Servers Loading -- 9 Game server ID(s) in Atlas: 79659, 80404, 80405, 80406, 80407, 80902, 81663, 81664, 82160 Servers Stopped -- 9 Game server ID(s) in Atlas: 79659, 80404, 80405, 80406, 80407, 80902, 81663, 81664, 82160
  12. If you are only running on a 1 Grid Map and it doesn't show any other grids, you will have to either edit your current map and add a grid (which is a pain) or move to a bigger map (such as a 2x2 or even a 4x4 map) which will result in a total wipe. Upside to a 2x2 or a 4x4 map it gives you room to expand or even move your current grids around to a place of your choosing. 9 Game server ID(s) in Atlas:
  13. Miss_Worden


    That doesn't really explain much - so let me play with my map and once I have a route set up I'll explain how to do it.
  14. Miss_Worden


    I'm hoping it is not just an offical server thing. Not unless we we have to go into our maps and set up the trade routes for the ship to follow -- which I'm hoping we don't
  15. ** going to be greedy and say I'm not sharing mine, I have spent to much time going through file by file, folder by folder testing what works and what doesn't just to hand them over **
  16. Kind of Strange I can FTP to my other server host but not you guys. Not a big deal I just use my laptop with my hotspot if I have to make edits via FTP.
  17. You can change any Grid you want at any time - for instance I change my Pvp zones around from A4, B4, C4 to others. Changing those 4 does not effect my other 4 grids (my pve zones) however if you have built on those islands / Grids you are about to change or want to change to another grid you will lose all items / buildings / ships / everything - it will be a total wipe when you move that Grid from say A4 to A1
  18. I'm using that password that is in the field .. weird.. Can I have my MySQL back please
  19. So my question is .. why can't you have 6 servers in a 4x4 Grid Map - that 4x4 Map supports 16 Severs? I started with 4 serves on a 4x4 map - in the default locations A1, B1, A2, and B2. Then I moved those to A3,B3,A4 and B4. At which point I added to more servers to bring me to 6 on the same 4x4 map displayed below, I ran those 6 servers for a few days then added two more, I am now running 8 servers - this is my map -- so tell me again why you can't run 6 servers on a map that supports 16 servers?
  20. Anyone know how to actually connect to the Redis Database, I keep getting this error no matter what I try (yes I'm using the password that is defined in my control panel and all of them are the same) 2019-01-08 00:06:00 : App log init: OK 2019-01-08 00:06:10 : Connection: AUTH 2019-01-08 00:06:10 : Connection: Atlas Server > connected 2019-01-08 00:06:10 : Connection: Atlas Server > [runCommand] PING 2019-01-08 00:06:10 : Connection: Atlas Server > Response received : -NOAUTH Authentication required. 2019-01-08 00:06:10 : Connection: AUTH ERROR
  21. it will populate just give it time - mine is not there at first but after a few minutes it is.
  22. Good Find, so far that has been the issue (I used Notepad ++ to find and replace all of them) There is also this one "OverrideShooterGameModeDefaultGameIni": [], <--- replace all with "OverrideShooterGameModeDefaultGameIni": {}, And my map opened in editor