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Everything posted by Pat

  1. Alumii, see above for confirmed commands.
  2. You'll need to use custom launch params for anything over difficulty 4. You can expose those by setting your map to 'Custom' and grabbing a basic launch param from the white information button next to your launch param box. If you need more help with that, please open a ticket and we'll get you squared away!
  3. @Ralloo, the location is here: /DNL/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/GameUserSettings.ini Check out this guide to modify your ini files: https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1479-lrn2ftp-beginners-guide-to-ftp/
  4. @Karneron, I've taken a look and every ticket has a response. I do know we're awaiting more stock for your last issue.
  5. You can check here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Rust_Dedicated_Server#Configuration_.26_running From what I've read, env.daylength/env.nightlength are bugged/not working but a plugin can assist with that.
  6. Yep, that patch should have taken care of this. Not sure on how long the set period of time mentioned in the patch notes actually is however.
  7. Sadly, I can't reproduce this. Are you giving the in-game list some time to populate before making a search?
  8. To my knowledge ShowFloatingDamageText=True is a custom launch param. Not sure if that will stick anywhere else but there. As for the other settings, do the mod authors state those settings need to be in the GameUserSettings.ini file?
  9. Well good news is that Oxide is working. I can confirm it's running on your server and the server shows up in the modded list.
  10. Via FTP you can create a 'serverauto.cfg' in the /server/experimental/cfg/ directory. In there you can set your description, seed, etc. Each would have to be on it's own new line as so: server.description 'My Awesome Rust Server' server.headerimage 'http://imgur.com/somepng.png' server.seed 1337 server.worldsize 2500
  11. Yep, check out ARKON! https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1681-arkon-desktop-rcon-server-administration-tool/ Locking this up now
  12. That's not empty at all. If you check other posts in this forum you'll see we're aware of the changes needed to be added to that tool, descriptions need to be changed now that more information is available. So I took a look at the ticket you have open for this. First, no mention of bumping..not sure where you got that from. Secondly, I copy/pasted the config you supplied us and stopped & started the server with the Start/Stop buttons. These are the values that were auto-removed by the game server (not us) as they were invalid. DayCycleSpeedScale=1.00000 DayTimeSpeedScale=1.00000 DinoCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=1.00000 DinoCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=1.00000 DinoCountMultiplier=1.00000 DinoDamageMultiplier=1.00000 DinoResistanceMultiplier=1.00000 globalVoiceChat=0 HarvestHealthMultiplier=1.00000 PlayerCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=1.00000 PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=1.00000 PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=1.00000 PlayerDamageMultiplier=1.00000 PlayerResistanceMultiplier=1.00000 ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier=1.00000 StructureResistanceMultiplier=1.00000 XPMultiplier=1.00000 DifficultyOffset=1.00000
  13. At this time we have the same information as you, and no ETA
  14. @jrumley1 looking good over here
  15. I'm not seeing any value in your GameUserSettings.ini for a global change, likely due to the Harvest Multiplier still set to default of `1` so it's not applied. However, I see you have a bunch of HarvestResourceItemAmountClassMultipliers in place within your Game.ini. All the blueprints look to be correct, and thatch/wood is set to 2x, are these effecting your server correctly?
  16. Looks like the drive you were on was getting a little crowded. I cleaned up that machine and actually moved you over to the secondary drive on it as there was plenty of room on there. Pretty sure this was the cause to your saves getting muddled. If you would like to do some sort of scheduled backups outside of our ~6 hour backups, here's a guide with WinSCP and Windows FTP backups: https://winscp.net/eng/docs/guide_schedule
  17. Custom launch params can be revealed by marking your map as 'Custom'.
  18. Thanks for the update @bdcox42! Taking a quick look at patch notes from today: Huzzah!
  19. Take a look here: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?40902-Server-Managers
  20. Yep, a mindwipe potion can assist with this.
  21. No problem. Let us know if the manual save + restart keeps them in game
  22. There isn't any indication as to the password being correct or not, this was the same as ARK. @Elimination, I checked your password and it worked. I'll PM you in a moment.
  23. That error does help. Do you and players happen to have learned quite a few engrams each? Each place I dig up related to this error mentions having a load of learned engrams can lead to this, mindwipe potion and selective engram picks may help.
  24. I've dug through discussion forums for this and looks like quite a few people are having this issue, even with it scaled up like you do. This may be bugged currently.
  25. This may be a bug with the game itself, I'm seeing no control over this currently.