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Everything posted by StealthyMartian

  1. If they are not loading in its possible oxide may be bugging up. Please submit a ticket and I can take a look into this issue.
  2. Sorry to hear you are seeing this issue. Please submit a ticket through your panel and we can get you fixed up.
  3. If you send us a link to the mod you wish to run. We can more than likely get it setup unless it requires us to use a specific launch file that we are not able to use our setup for. If we can link directly to the jar startup files then it should be fine.
  4. Currently there is not much we can do to allow those characters, however Ryan is looking into it.
  5. Please try to run the update/validate on the panel again as there was some bugs that are now fixed.
  6. Is that file for a specific setting or mod? I do not see it listed on the official wiki page either. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DayZ:Server_Configuration#Launch_Parameters
  7. Please submit a ticket and we can look into this issue for you.
  8. Please submit a ticket and we can help figure out this issue.
  9. Let us know if you see any further issues with this. If so please submit a ticket as we can help further in there.
  10. Sounds like something may of gotten stuck. Please submit a ticket if you have not already and we will get you fixed up.
  11. Please submit a ticket and we can get you fixed up in no time.
  12. There is currently a bug that we are working to correct. Once this is corrected the de branding will start working again.
  13. If you would like to submit a ticket we can take a look into this. It is possible the sandbox config is not adding the files in.
  14. I believe I sent it in a ticket already. In case anyone needs it thou here is the data. "GameSettings": { "Gameplay.TreeRegrowth": true, "Structure.Damage": true }, "CustomGameModeSettings": { "GameSetting.Vail.EnemySpawn": true, "GameSetting.Vail.EnemyHealth": "Normal", "GameSetting.Vail.EnemyDamage": "Normal", "GameSetting.Vail.EnemyArmour": "Normal", "GameSetting.Vail.EnemyAggression": "Normal", "GameSetting.Vail.AnimalSpawnRate": "Normal", "GameSetting.Environment.StartingSeason": "Summer", "GameSetting.Environment.SeasonLength": "Default", "GameSetting.Environment.DayLength": "Default", "GameSetting.Environment.PrecipitationFrequency": "Default", "GameSetting.Survival.ConsumableEffects": "Normal", "GameSetting.Survival.PlayerStatsDamage": "Off", "GameSetting.Survival.ColdPenalties": "Off", "GameSetting.Survival.ReducedFoodInContainers": false, "GameSetting.Survival.SingleUseContainers": false, },
  15. Make sure to check the skip save config before restarting as it will reset the serverDZ file if not. You can also move the admin/serverDZ.cfg file to the root of the FTP client (where the exe files are) and overwrite the current one listed there. Once done set this at the end of your launch line outside of any quotes " " -config=serverDZ.cfg. This will make it so the server panel no longer overwrites the file. However you will need to manual edit the file there after for passwords and server title info.
  16. I am getting with Ryan about the character issues. For the FTP client we were requested by the developers not to allow access to the files as they wish to keep them secure for now till the game is in full release sadly.
  17. If you still see this issue please send a support ticket in from the panel as we can better help there. For the https we actually do and not sure why yours is not showing that. I will let Ryan know of that issue.
  18. It is possible that mod may be conflicting with another or throwing an error. If you would like to send a support ticket in we can look at it further.
  19. It sounds like steamcmd may be timing out. In the advanced launch param tool check the auto manage mods option. From there run the update for the mods and check the box at the top to skip ark server update. This will make sure it only does the mods.
  20. With the in game server browser you will want to refresh it a few times and then do a search by the title you set on the panel. If that does not help please submit a ticket and we can better assist.
  21. Please run the update/validate and see if that helps. If you still spot this issue please send a ticket in for us to help out better.
  22. Please send a ticket in for the server and we can double check on things. Normally for default servers you can join with the ip/port in game till the server browser caches the server on its next pass.
  23. Sorry to hear you are seeing this. Please submit a ticket and we can look into this issue.