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Ryan Pennington

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Everything posted by Ryan Pennington

  1. You would add server ip to favorites in Steam or you can run something like this from command line "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ShooterGame.exe" +connect ip:port
  2. You can edit the \ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\GameUserSettings.ini file and place ServerPve=true under [serverSettings]
  3. I removed the picture from your post because it included your password. Do you have an open ticket? Please create a ticket # and let me know it so I can check.
  4. I have deleted the post here because I am working on a better method right now (still shouldn't delete your SavedArks) Please let me know your ticket ID # and we'll take a look from there.
  5. To find your server in the Steam browser OR if you have trouble connecting when it says "Ready to Play" in the control panel, take your IP:Port from the control panel and add 1 to your Port (example: your port is 27015 you would add 1 which would then be 27016) and add that to your Steam favorites.[/size] For example - IP:Port on control panel: Add to Steam favorites: Example image shown above.
  6. We're working on it, new employees are in the process of training just for the ARK launch. It will get better, much better. Still working 20 hour days to get support down, updates live, and servers online. =)
  7. Please let me know your ticket id # if you are still having issues.
  8. Try changing the variables in GameUserSettings.ini - that is the new method over custom launch parameters we are now recommending.
  9. The game does save in automatic intervals. Please submit a support ticket and we'll figure out the data loss, I do apologize for the issues. Thank you.
  10. Please see this thread, thank you! https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1423-ark-not-updating-properly-to-the-latest-version/
  11. GameUserSettings.ini is recommended above the launch parameters now.
  12. Known issues - When multiple customers are updating at the same time, the steamcmd (the tool we are required to use to fetch updates from Steam servers) could be very slow, causing large time delays When multiple customers are updating at the same time, steamcmd could error out (something we have reported to Steam already) There's excessive disk i/o on the server (rare withour ultra fast RAID SSDs, but does happen on popular updates) Things to try BEFORE POSTING - If a new ARK update just came out, please be patient. Try again after 20-30 minutes, it may take a couple hours to update due to the sheer volume of people updating. If your server just fails to start, this is a different issue, please create a support ticket. Stuck on Loading for more than 20 minutes? Please resort to this thread for more detailed information. We do apologize for any delays in ARK updates. There may be other issues other than the ones listed above, so please read all of the other pinned forum topics if you think the issue may be something else OR just create a support ticket, reply here, or Tweet us!
  13. Please stay on topic. This thread is for admin command discussion only. I have deleted a number of posts that are off topic.
  14. If you cannot change your admin password just clear your GameUserSettings.ini file (delete it), and run a green Update & Restart button. If your ARK is not updating to the latest version, wipe the "steamapps" folder from your FTP and run an ARK Update. You can do both at the same time to save some time. Apologies for the slowness today on tickets, we are ramping up right now.
  15. Yes this is exactly how you do it, what do you need help with?
  16. It takes approximately 10 minutes for the server to switch from "Loading" to "Ready to join" When it is "Ready to join" you should search for it in the Steam server browser and join. ARK updates take anywhere from 5 minutes to 60 minutes depending on if your game server has the files already or not. It's around 13.9 gb pulling from Steam and Steam has been throttling connections lately. If you are simply updating from already having a playable server, it's 5-10 minutes tops. If you notice any irregularity out of this, please create a ticket or give me your ticket # here and I will take a look.
  17. Please let me know your ticket # and I will take a look.
  18. I have created a dedicated thread for this topic, see here: https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1399-how-to-save-data-before-an-ark-update/
  19. I have created a dedicated thread for this topic, see here: https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1399-how-to-save-data-before-an-ark-update/
  20. Currently the auto save is around 20 minutes from what I have been hearing. Hopefully they add in a configuration toggle to decrease this somehow. A temporary fix is to do an admin save on your server right before shutting it down for an ARK Update (or for a stop/restart) Press ` while in game to access the console enablecheats YOURPASSWORD setcheatplayer true cheat saveworldHopefully, this helps you guys from losing a little bit of progress before stops/restarts/ark updates.
  21. Let me know your ticket #, our US team has logged back in and is hustling through these as fast as we can.