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  1. thanx for this "early" answer, BUT, i had an answer from my ticket too late yesterday, i had to stop my subscription, support not enought fast for me. best regards
  2. ok, you can forget my problem, i'm going to cancel my order with this company, unplayable, answer to ticket more than 5 hours, that's not what i call a good customer service. i was ready to upgrade to 100 slots if it had been correct. have fun all.
  3. désolé, je n'ai pas eut le temps d'essayer, ca lagguait trop donc on a migré sur un serveur dédié. 5 heures que j'ai fait le ticket et pas de nouvelles d'eux donc résiliation. Bonne continuation
  4. so this solution is not good ? : /Game/Maps/TheIslandSubMaps/TheIsland?Multihome=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx?Port=xxxxx?QueryPort=xxxxx?SessionName=Maison de retraite PVE?MaxPlayers=50?listen?ServerPassword=xxxxxxxxxx?ServerCrosshair=True?MapPlayerLocation=True?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=true
  5. i don't have. i try first on forums. don't wa,t to disturb too much i follow this : "Please read the pinned forum topics in full before submitting a support ticket. Updated daily."
  6. bonjour, white list = le gars se connecte et ejecte un non-white list. Sinon, vous sauriez comment supprimer le lag dans la game ? lors des combats, c'est limite injouable là....
  7. hello, do you have issue with the lag too? it's quite unplayable on my server and we are less than 20...) 50 buck per month and zero quality is not nice. i'll check again after work, crossing finger, but my community will move i guess if nothing changed