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trying to host an arma 3 server for my friends, not working for me or any of them


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I just followed the instructions for putting a server on Ubuntu on the forum basically exactly. I made a config and port forwarded. When me or my friends put my IP in, they can see the name of my server, ping, player count, eta and if they try to put in the wrong password it tells you that you did so something it working clearly. But when we try to connect, it just gets stuck at the map screen and never loads (the one that says "xxx by bohemia interactive" in the corner)why is this happening?https://sarkariresult.onl/ Mobdro https://pnrstatus.vip/

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Check the RPT log and see if everything is loading correctly and you do not have any errors.  That is the best place to start to see what is going on with your server.  You can post the RPT log here if you are having issues.

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