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All treasure maps blank?


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I’m thinking it’s a single server issue but we’re still in A1 which is why they all say A1 but it’s kind of a big deal we can’t use them as it seems the main way to get gold

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Our template ServerGrid map tiles were .png


We changed them to .jpg and confirmed they are working.


So you can either do a Reset Template from the control panel or go in to your FTP and change .png to .jpg in ServerGrid folder.

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Is there a way to fix blank map and treasure maps on a custom map?

I uploaded a Json and uploaded the map img files as well. But on my server the main map and the treasure map i just found are both blank.

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  • 2 weeks later...

May not be the case but, when you first start the server & load the new map ive noticed certain changes made after the fact dont take on the server.. Maybe this is the issue... Ive tried this myself, Moddified the map file after the server was already running & the old one stays there which means its cached or something on first start.... Just a guess

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i had another post where i posted the fixed that worked for me


i figured it out for anybody who is having trouble i stole this from atlas forums and it worked immediately



I removed the URLs from the  ServerGrid.json using Notepad++ , you can just use notpad ..

 "MapImageURL": "http://arkdedicated....tlaspreview.jpg",

 "MetaWorldURL": "http://atlasdedicate...wBma/ServerGrid",

so they look like

 "MapImageURL": "",

 "MetaWorldURL": "",

Works fine for me ...
For some reason, the latest version map editor when removing those URLs in the server edit, didnt actually remove them from the  ServerGrid.json
Doing this will force it to use the cached version of the image which is accurate, but if you wipe the server, it will show in server info screen as explored until you login so it will update"


no idea why this worked but it did immediately"


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