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How to access Mistlands


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Today Valheim released Mistlands onto their public test branch, below you will find instructions on how to switch your server over to this build as well as how to switch your client over so you can connect!

How To Switch Your Server

  1. Select the option Valheim (Public Beta) from your control panels Map dropdown menu
    • image.png
  2. Press the green Save Settings and Restart Game Server button

How to Switch Your Client (Steam)

  1.  Right click Valheim in your Steam library
  2.  Select ‘Properties 
  3. In the new window, select ‘Betas’ and type in the code yesimadebackups.
  4. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from.

How to Switch Your Client (Microsoft / PC Game Pass)

  1. Launch the Xbox Insider Hub app.
  2. Navigate to ‘Previews’
  3. Find ‘Valheim Public Test’
  4. Select ‘Join’.
  5. Wait for the registration to be complete to be directed to the Store
  6. Install ‘Valheim Public Test’.

If you run into any trouble switching your server feel free to reach out to our support team!

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It is recommended *BUT NOT REQUIRED* to do a world save wipe before switching to a Public Test build.



Q: Do I need a new world?

A: No, if you haven't explored your placeholder Mistlands areas. But it is highly recommended you start a new one because terrain generation has been slightly altered across the board, and you might find your buildings floating and collapsing.


Please be sure to download a backup from FTP using this guide before switching to Public Beta.

To obtain a manual backup of your Valheim server follow the below steps:

  • Stop the game server.
  • Click on the IP/Host link under the FTP Details section of your control panel.
    • This will either open up an FTP view in your current browser or in your preferred FTP client. If you are having issues, please see --> FTP Access.
  • The files you are looking for are the .db and .fwl file and can be found within the worlds folder. The file name will always be GSID.db and GSID.fwl (GSID = Game Server ID number)
    • The below image is what it will look like in WinSCP, in this example the files are 124710.db and 124710.fwl image

  • Once you have located the files simply drag them to your desktop if using an FTP client, if its open in your web browser just click on the links.

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