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  1. https://discord.gg/Jb252A3a New Server ///JUST WIPED Server IP : Server Port : 2491 Active admins RP / PVE / PVP 60 player slots Traders Airdrops Keycard Helis DrugsPLUS CannibisPLUS 3D Printer BodyBags BreachingCharge Paragon Storage Paragon Collectable Items Paragon Vending Machines SNAFU Weapons Black Market Weed Dealer Bandit Camp Pokémon Cards Custom Military's Hidden stashes KOTHS Disable Broken Legs More variation in weapons More variation in clothes & accessories More variation in vehicles And so much more!!!!! Timezone GMT
  2. frostfall


    Im new to this so i have a few things i need answers to. 1. when i buy server do i need to set anything up or is it supposed to be all automatic like i thought it would be 2. if i do need to go into my steam files to change the settings what do they need to be exactly so i dont screw this up 3. if it is supposed to be automatic then do i just wait (i know that there was an announcement about them working on issues but as i have stated im new to this and am unsure.)
  3. **The Last Chance [AIRDROP/BBP/KOTH/MAP/GROUP/STAMINA/LOOTCHEST]** PVP/PVE [GER/ENG] [EU] **Chernarus** **** PVP/PVE **We have official opend our Server!** Helicopter Custom Trader Code Lock BaseBuildingPlus CannabisPlus DrugsPLUS Airdrop-Upgraded Breachingcharge Raid Days LootChest Custom Teddy Bear (Keys) BodyBags Treasure Cars KOTH Stamina Collectable Items Pokemon Cards ATM Leaning Pitstop Weapons Custom PVP Zones No Night Only Sunny Weather Retextured Guns https://discord.gg/thelastchance
  4. GZRP is an upcoming RP server with lore directly following the events of Arma 2 and the civil war in Chernarus. At Ground Zero we offer an array of mods and assets that can only be found on our server. PVP and PVE zones as well as new custom military bases for players to explore and find. Server will be launching soon so hop in now and help us make the best DayZ RP server possible https://discord.gg/AA6n5U37
  5. https://discord.gg/bdTgcNMj 50 slot pvp Server with trader , black market , safe zone, and much more come check use out and follow the discord ! Thank you
  6. Vanquished Gaming is a gaming community with plenty to offer. Our 7 days to die server is second to none - with tonnes of quality of life improvements and community driven wipe days. With our discord of over 4000 members you will be sure to find friends to play all kinds of games. discord.gg/vanquished
  7. HELLS HERE SERVER IS RESURRECTED..... (PVP) Epoch Be prepared to die a lot All scripts and mods installed by, Caveman
  8. Server Name = Motion Blur Frozen Flame (STEAM PC) Play-Private Server-ADD-IP Address = Connect = NO PASSWORD NEEDED CREATED 2/12/2023 3:00PM EASTERN US TIMEZONE ONLINE + SPECIAL BOOST and NO LIMIT SETTINGS... trying to see if they working now but server is ONLINE I Will write a Steam review in Frozen Flame with this Information and have comments on for help or feedback! HAVE FUN + WELCOME to MOTION BLUR + RESPECT EVERYONE PLEASE and THANKYOU
  9. Our server known as "Chronicles of Elysium" is setup for rpg gameplay alongside with a role-playing factor to make the experience more immersive. We offer many ways to play and create YOUR characters story within the lands of Elysium. Our players have many options when it comes to gameplay such as being a part of 1 of 4 large factions to wage war for territory to become the strongest facttion, becoming a bounty hunter, an assassin, a pirate, a theif, and many more guilds to come with time ofcourse. If that doesn't suit ur interest maybe you enjoy a more peaceful style of gameplay maybe even become a shop keeper, a dino breeder, or maybe a farmer! We also offer our players to freelance being part of nothing but having all the access to resources from different factions, regions, and shops of all varieties. We also offer small tribes as well which can be formed around different values such as having a small tribe of cannibals who hunt human players to sustain life by devoring their preys remains or maybe even have a small tribe of cultists who strive to obtain new followers of their faith. The sky is the limit when it comes to our sever not only do we offer all these variations on how you choose your gameplay to be but we offer a friendly and helpful community within our orginized discord. Speaking of which I almost forgot! We also have our discord set up to act as an extention of our gamplay! Browse shops, post bounties, assign assassination contracts, learn about different towns and cities, or even keep up to date with the news about different regions! We have all needed info within our discord server along with the lore behind our role-playing factor. Come check us out how will your story unfold within the Chronicles of Elysium?
  10. Join our new dayz community server! Server name is “ !A51 “ Area51 Server information: Server restarts every 2 hours. 15x boosted loot Fully built cars and trucks Build anywhere Pristine and Fully built guns Boosted Heli Crashes 2 hour days 35 min nights Boosted meds Unlimited stamina Useless items removed Premium killfeed in discord https://discord.gg/fuzADHQ4GT
  11. any help is appreciated, I've watched dozens of videos i just have no idea.
  12. Come join our new community and experience ark the way it’s meant to be played
  13. Hello all! Our Beta Season started on Oct 17th 2020. We are in need of Beta testers to help make sure everything is working properly and to give us some suggestions on things that could make our server better. All Beta players will receive gifts when we Officially start Season 1. We have 16 slots still available so if you are interested please join our discord. Discord: https://discord.gg/amARyWUArkRivals Beta Info
  14. new server of rust legacy net.connect jssyrustgamers.ddns.net:28015 In this server you will see pvp, arena,warps,ranges as vip or youtuber and kits and much more
  15. I just got a rust server and i am trying to make it public, how do i do that and add descriptions/picture anything a public server needs. I am trying to get more people to get on but it would make it easier if you wouldnt have to copy and paste the ip over and over.
  16. Ark Dynasty Introduction This new server is perfect for players who want to Learn and enjoy ARK in a growing friendly community! The server will part of a PvE cluster that includes all maps: ¤PvE The Island ¤PvE The Center ¤PvE Extinction ¤PvE Aberration All coming soon! Server Settings: • Taming x20 • Harvesting x10 • XP x10 • 840 Wild Dino Level • All Engrams Unlocked • Fully Customized Loot Drops • Cave Building Enabled • Flyer Carry Enabled Main Mods • Primal Fear • Automated Ark • Structures Plus • Platforms Plus • Upgrade Station • Dino Storage Mod Collection link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1682590820
  17. I'm looking to cluster my server with another server or already clustered servers. I run the island and have avg 20 players daily and i get 40 players weekly (my max) If your interested message my PSN @ Icicled_
  18. (Solved) 1.) How do I give a character Admin rights and access to console commands to spawn in dinos, items, etc? 2.) Which settings should I never use other than "Clean save folder" to avoid losing all characters, dinos, and structures that have been placed in the map? 3.) If I wanted the max level to be 500+ is there an easy way to calculate how much the EXP needed should scale up when adding levels to the server? 4.) I have seen a lot of issues with people losing the charatcers and dinos when uploading them at Obelisks to transfer to other clustered servers. How do I create a server backup to protect character, dino, and server progress? 5.) Merry Christmas. (I know this isn't a question) If you only know the answer to one or a few of these questions, feel free to share any knowledge you have. Thanks, everyone.
  19. New render Server just Opened up 22 hours old Need more Revenant and Conclave Players to join Reckonings are at Saturday at 2000 and Wednesday 2000. Looking forward to Seeing you all.Good luck!!!
  20. Come join my server! I am going to boost experience, farming, taming etc. Just enough to make game progression faster but not too much to make it overkill and no fun.
  21. Hello, This server was created so that my friends and I could play on a fresh Ragnarok server that wasn't already overrun by some jerk alpha who takes the game way to seriously. This server is set to official weights and multipliers and has no mods. Its not that we don't enjoy modifications we just feel that the game is good the way that it is. If we gain a population and the people demand a modification we would be willing to discuss it and potentially add it but as things sit now, no mods. Rules... -No griefing other players, its pvp so by all means pvp but griefing is not allowed. *thats really it, just play have fun and let me know if you have any issues. IP: Steam ID: Aewrangler
  22. Hello, My new server won't start, it's stuck in the first task. Also, my server might probably be under staff supervision but can't be sure, so here I am. Cheers,
  23. New PvPvE server is now live, featuring the beautiful Volcano map! Come and join our small community and help it grow! Info: Server: Mythic Volcano|x25|PvPvE Ip: Discord: What we are all about: Full-time job/studies, parent or just enjoying life and don't have 8hrs a day to dedicate to a game? We want to offer a balance of building, fighting and community activities. Log on, have some fun and don't stress out. Server setup: 1. Harvest, Experience & Tame: x25 2. Map: The Volcano 3. Base raiding is allowed but no griefing! 48hrs raid cooldown on a base. (Players can break into a base and steal from other players but destroying it is not allowed) 4. Boss fights, PvP skirmishes arena, group cave exploring and more events already happening & upcoming! 5. Main mods: S+, Bulk, StackMore, Reuse & more 6. Player lvl200, wild dino lvl240 (Difficulty 8) For more server details, please visit our steam page: Mythic volcano Ark Server See you on the other side!
  24. Just saw server hosting ad for new steam online multi player Lego world. Will you be hosting servers??
  25. Hello, I'm new to this and i would like to get some help. The first thing i have problems with is i can't join my own server but i can join other servers.. When i try to join my own server it gives me this message(first image). A friend of mine can join the server. Second problem; I don't know how to make myself an admin. Third: I would love to learn how to changes mission, traders and spawn loadouts and place. As i said i'm completly new. So maybe i'm just overlooking thinks. Thanks for reading and hopefully helping me. Kind regards L3M8