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Everything posted by bmducommun

  1. The best thing you could add would be a feature to allow other admins to restart and update server without giving them the master username and password.
  2. Yeah basically this is a game changer for me. If they cannot come up with a solution I will be going to another company that already has this in place as I have a few admins that need to be able to control the server without having my master username and password. I mean come on guys common sense tells you to do this.
  3. It says it all. As there are other sites where through the control panel you're allowed to give access to certain features on the server this hosting company has none that i can see. I would LOVE to be able to give my admins access to restarting or updating the server when i am gone WITHOUT giving out my main username and password to the control panel. Is this going to be something that you will be coming out with or is it already a feature that i have no idea about?
  4. I cant believe you all missed http://jdimensional.com/ark/item-id-generator/this is the only site to visit for any of your Item/Structure/Creature IDs.
  5. Simple either add it to your custom launch parameters or add it to your Gameusersettings.ini AllowThirdPersonPlayer=True ServerCrosshair=True Description is here at bottom of page.(not typing it out again) https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1729-need-help-setting-up-custom-server-codes-in-ss-control-panel/
  6. If you want it to take 2x as long for food to run out then put in this value PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=.500000 that will cut the time down in half. Then for water just do PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=.250000 as that will bring it down to 1/4 speed. As far as resources re spawning near your building its hard coded into the game that when you lay down a foundation and harvest resources around it they will not respawn back over a certain radius of that foundation. If you were to make it so it took 10x longer for your resources to come back after normal harvesting you would be waiting over 4 hrs for a tree to grow back or longer. Up to you what you want. ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier=.050000 is what i have and it seems to be fine. Everything up to the last line needs a ? for it to work. I just copied over the values from the /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/CleanSourceConfigs/GameUserSettings.ini that i wanted to change and added them to /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/GameUserSettings.ini. Just go to the bottom of the page and add [serverSettings] then your values you want to change. Example: [serverSettings] NightTimeSpeedScale=5.000000 DayCycleSpeedScale=.500000 DinoDamageMultiplier=1.500000 ClampResourceHarvestDamage=true PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=.750000 PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=.750000 PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=.750000 DinoCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=.750000 PlayerCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=4.000000 ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier=.050000 XPMultiplier=2.750000 NoTributeDownloads=true AllowThirdPersonPlayer=True You have to make sure you have 6 digits after the . or it will not work properly. Also another thing that's important is i saved those files on my Hard drive so i could right click on the file and select properties to change it to read only after i edited it. That way it cannot be wrote over in game when i copy it back over the ftp. Good luck!
  7. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=467912585gives you all the details you need.
  8. you need to look in the /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/CleanSourceConfigs/gameusersettings.ini file and copy over what you want to the /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/gameusersettings.ini file. Just remember to have [serverSettings] above whatever you add then restart your server and it will work fine.
  9. Same thing has happened to me but when i looked into it i noticed the files are now in /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/CleanSourceConfigs. Upon changing these settings though they all revert back to their original settings. Hopefully this can be rectified soon as i will not be able to unlock my server until i can change these settings. EDIT: Found the Fix to this problem. Open your GameUserSettings.ini in /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer and scroll to the very bottom and hit enter 2x then paste [serverSettings] then below it copy over the contents of /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/CleanSourceConfigs/GameUserSettings.ini that you want in your game and it works fine. Example: [serverSettings] NoTributeDownloads=True AllowThirdPersonPlayer=False ServerPassword=****** ServerAdminPassword=********* KickIdlePlayersPeriod=2400.000000 AutoSavePeriodMinutes=15.000000 DifficultyOffset=1.000000 StructureDamageMultiplier=.025000 StructureResistanceMultiplier=.025000 TamingSpeedMultiplier=3.000000 HarvestAmountMultiplier=2.000000 ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier=3.000000 DinoCountMultiplier=2.000000