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Everything posted by Bilco

  1. I have seen that post from the Epoch forums but never tried running it. Sector B is something you have to create in the editor to get it to work properly. I never watched any YouTube videos or anything like that to learn how to code. It was all trial and error on a test server and that's all it was used for. Not sure if there are any videos out there that can help you. You could always try google. What I can tell you is that anytime you start working on mods like Epoch, Overwatch, and Origins when they are combined together they become a pain in the ass to work with and it could be days or weeks just to get some simple things working. When adding scripts to pbo's the order does matter to some extent but that is gained from experience or trial and error. For instance, I wouldn't try to add plot 4 life to an already modded server as it should be added first due to the files it involves. I hope this helps you...at least a little bit.
  2. Server down with a status unknown usually means that there is a problem at the data center where your server is located. Could be a number of things but regardless putting in a support ticket is the correct thing to do. It may take some time for the issue to be resolved depending on the problem. This has happened to me in the past and usually gets resolved quickly.
  3. Please submit a support ticket and we can help you with the install.
  4. Adjust you BE filters accordingly for what you're being kicked for.
  5. If this hasn't been resolved please post your ticket number.
  6. Post your ticket number. Not saying that you did so but do not bump tickets as it sends them to the end of the line.
  7. Bilco

    Exile Server

    Update has been released and you should be able to install it via your control panel.
  8. Bilco

    Exile mod update?

    It has been updated and should be able to do so via your control panel.
  9. If it's not working you didn't install it correctly. Check your path to where you have your advanced trading script.
  10. If there is a problem with your server please submit a support ticket. In the future, please do not post personal information of players like steam ID's.
  11. Why not just run SARGE AI instead? That has Hero, Military, and Bandit AI that behave as they should.
  12. I've forwarded this to the staff to have them check on this.
  13. As far as adjusting the AI, no. There isn't a setting for that.
  14. Nope. I guess the instructions for this script are not very clear in the original post. It has nothing to do with BEC. This script goes in your mission PBO.
  15. You can install this or via FTP find BEC/Config/Scheduler.xml and script in what you need.
  16. You could try another launcher like DayZ Launcher or you can get the client side files on the dayz website.