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Primus Palus

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Everything posted by Primus Palus

  1. This is a bug with the last update. Not server related.
  2. I would also like to know what the value is to change it to Roleplaying. Ours is set to 0 and shows up in the Unofficial filter.
  3. Joining the party... we have had some crashes of the server and it wont start back up. Requires manual restarts. Sucks but I figured it was on the games end vs our host. Survival Servers have been pretty solid.
  4. The 4x crafting is a bug of the new patch. It is only VISUALLY 4x... each item only crafts once. For example, cook meat and see that you get 3. Eat one, and they disappear. There was only ever one. If you craft a tool, you get 8 or 9 of them. Only the one with weight is the correct one. The others are fake.
  5. We have not had a wipe of our save... but we have had a bunch of issues with this new update.
  6. I also would like to know if the mods need to be: #,#,#,#,# (no spaces) or... #, #, #, # (spaces)
  7. Ok so apparently excluding items doesn't work? I put them in as #,#,#,# and also tried #, #, #, # and they still show up as craftable and can be crafted.
  8. I decided that instead of a Primitive+ server, I'll create similar settings by removing certain items (like rocket launchers, assault rifles, etc). If I use the option in the control panel to remove certain database ID's will it prevent the engram from showing up in the list? That way people don't buy into it with points only to not be able to create it. Also, should items that need to be excluded be listed like this: 10,11,12 (no spaces) or: 10, 11, 12 (spaces)
  9. Looking to put the official DLC on the server. I don't see an option for it. I see old posts with screenshots to options in the panel... but I don't see those options anymore. How would I enable Primitive+ on the server?
  10. I see the Tweet to update to 174.11... and I have updated twice and it wont go past 174.3. My steam client is also 174.3. There's been nothing new.
  11. Same ticket... if I hit update and let it run it doesn't do anything. The webpage just sits there. Something is NOT working right.
  12. Submitted a ticket: 277441 ... the server wont update or restart.
  13. I absolutely love this host for servers. You guys have a decent network, good performance, amazing prices, etc. But you're severely lacking in the ticket responses. I sometimes find myself waiting in upwards to 48 hours for a response to a very IMPORTANT problem. I'm not entirely sure you guys seem to care much or take it serious that we can't wait forever to get our server fixed. Every MINUTE my server is down, I lose people from my community. People get pissed, and they leave to find someone who has a server running. I'm screwed right now because my server wont start. It's stuck at stopped. Submitted a ticket going on three hours now and nothing. You guys need to understand that this is a MAJOR problem and needs to be resolved far sooner than 3 hours. I imagine based on past experiences that I wont likely see this server up until at LEAST tomorrow. If you can't handle the ticket load, please hire more people to act as representatives. Even low end mods to do SOMETHING. I'm disappointed right now. I didn't care one bit about the problems with the server files, the devs dropping the ball, etc. But this server not working, and your slow responses to tickets are on you guys. I don't blame you for other peoples mistakes. But this is getting out of hand now. Ticket #554603
  14. I don't see an option to CLOSE a ticket. I have a bunch that are open from various things like needing and restart and such. I imagine with all of them open they're bogging down your system? Is there a way I can close them, or maybe you guys can? Here's the ones that I don't need open any longer: 623226 822745 191851 378313 753349 286099 206878 228269 870033 Thanks.
  15. There are definitely hacks out there. Steven maybe you can shed some light on this... when a new update comes out, how does one go about updating their server? I did it with Alpha 5 and updated with a dropdown and then restarted with the green button. But I'm told the green button resets the server (wipes it). Is there another way?
  16. I created my account on the support "site" (same e-mail as this account here). It said I needed to confirm it and when I checked my e-mails, nothing. I submitted a ticket to that affect #877479 but the response I got didn't address that at all. I'm again unable to access that ticket so I have to resort to adding a new ticket (which I don't want to do). The second issue is that debranding for a Reign of Kings server was not an option at purchase. Nor is it an option after the fact. If I go to my account, and then "Addons" the dropdown box is white and will not drop my server down. So I can't debrand it. I realize this will be an additional cost (albeit lame that it's nearly half the cost of the server). But I have NO OPTION for that. So basically I need two things: 1. My account to either be authorized on the support system (using my same e-mail as here on the forums and with my account for the game server). 2. Have the option to add debranded be made available. Hope that makes sense. Like I said, the reply I got in the ticket didn't address either of these two issues and it's slightly frustrating at this point. Everytime I need to reply I'd end up having to submit a new ticket which I don't want to do.
  17. Found this on another hosting companies website: How to add an admin example Permissions.cfg Below is an example of how your config file should look. If you are missing any character, the server will not work or will attempt to autocorrect and possibly not display properly on the server list. guest { # Unregistered users will use these permissions. nameFormat = '%name%' chatFormat = '%name% : %message%' guildFormat = '[00CC00][%guild%] %chatFormat%[-]' } groups { default { default = 'True' permissions { - 'rok.chat.me' - 'rok.chat.guild' - 'rok.health.suicide' - 'rok.help.list' } } admin { permissions { - '*' } } } users { PlayerName { groups { - 'admin' } } For player names with spaces in them, you would instead use ‘Player Name’ . If your server does not show up on the server list after editing this file and adding your admins, please make sure that you have included the correct amount of ending } characters for each { . It is very important that you observe the structure of this section: PlayerName { groups { – ‘admin’ } } A new admin can be added by inserting these lines in between the opening and closing braces of users like below: One admin entry. users { EricTheRed { groups { – ‘admin’ } } } Adding an additional admin is as easy as adding in a new block. Multiple admin entries. users { EricTheRed { groups { – ‘admin’ } } ErinTheGreen { groups { – ‘admin’ } } } List of Reign of Kings admin commands /ban [userName] (days|reason) – Bans the desired player from the server. You can set the number of days and/or reason /banlist (userName) – Lists the users that have been banned. Optionally via username /bettergui – Switches the in-game gui to its alternative /build [sphere|cube] (radius) (material) – Creates a shape out of blocks /butcher (radius) (“silent”) – Kills all monsters and critter in a radius /clearinv (userName) – Clears your inventory or (username) /config – Modify the server configuration /fly (userName) – Toggles fly mode for yourself or (username) /give [item] [amount] (userName) – Gives a specified [amount] of an [item] optionally to (username) /giveall – Gives max of every item available /godmode (username) – Enables godmode for yourself or (username) /heal (username) – Heals yourself or (username) /hydrate (username) – Hydrates yourself or (username) /instantbuild – Toggles instant building for the local player /itemlist – Lists out the names of all of the items. For use with /give /kick [username] – Kicks the specified player from the server /killall (radius) (“silent”) – Kills all entities in a radius from you. Chests are not destroyed /list – Displays a list of online players /nosecurity – Toggles security on or off /notice [message] – Shows a message from the server /nourish (username) – Nourishes yourself or (username) /permissions – Doesn’t Appear to Work Note: This command works, but you must instead use /permission Refer to /help permissions /popup [message] – Shows a popup message to all players /question [message] – Shows a popup to all players with a yes or no question /say [username] [message] – Forces [username] to say a [message] /shutdown – Saves and stops the server /stophunger [username] – Stops hunger on yourself or [username] /stopthirst [username] – Stops thirst on yourself or [username] /time – Controls the worlds time. Use a /help time for full list /tp [x] [z] – Teleports user to desired location. Defaults to 0,0 /unban [username|index] – Unbans the desired player on the server /videofly – Toggles flying camera mode /weather – Changes the weather for the world Use a /help weather for full list
  18. What server are you referring to? If it's one you rented, you have to update it manually. I just updated mine and it's running fine. If there's a SurvivalServers official server (which I was unaware of) then their admin would need to do that I suppose. I wish when a new patch was pushed out, the server would automatically update. OR, better yet, update the server on the next restart automatically.