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Everything posted by StealthyMartian

  1. For AI mods you should find some easy scripts located here. Within the AI post you should also find a tutorial on how to add it in. DZAI is one that has been used a lot from what I remember. https://epochmod.com/forum/forum/1-arma-2/
  2. Looks to be fixed up now. Let us know if not and if 161087 is the GSID still with the issue.
  3. If you would like to send a ticket in we can take a look at the back end to see if any issues are showing up that could be causing this.
  4. It should be named saves. If you do not see it the server may not of generated it. Please submit a ticket and we can see what could be going on.
  5. Sorry to hear you are seeing this issue. One thing to try is switching the map in the drop down to a different mod type and then once done switch it back to the one you wish to use. This normally fixes the issue. If not please submit a ticket and we can help get this taken care of.
  6. It shouldn't matter however if you still see the issue let us know in a ticket so we can check the back end for any issues.
  7. Please send a support ticket in and we can get you fixed up. You should see a contact us at the top of the survivalservers website.
  8. If you do not see a mission pbo please get with us in a ticket and we can fix this issue.
  9. If need be we can re install the mod to make sure it is not bugging up. It is possible the mod is on a different version than what we currently have installed.
  10. When you make the change make sure to also check the skip save config on the panel. This will prevent it from resetting during your restart.
  11. For dayz standalone sadly I have no clue for the paid mods. Most of which that I have followed are from the steam workshop area.
  12. Deeply sorry for this issue. We are looking into this to figure out what could be going wrong as the recent update may of changed some settings with the way the game is configured on the back end. Currently we are in contact with the developers to resolve this.
  13. Looks like you have an extra " quote in your launch line after ear plugs. removing that will fix it.
  14. Please get with us and we can look into what may be going on.
  15. Those are for the player saves. However for the map itself it will be what overlord posted.
  16. I see the server is now back up and ready. Let us know if you still see any issues.
  17. Sadly I am not too sure as we have no clue how Nitrado has their system setup. You would want to contact them and see if any issues are showing on the back end.
  18. If you are still seeing this issue please let us know in a ticket.
  19. It should generate on a new seed. If not you can upload a custom seed generated locally to the server through the panel if need be.
  20. This can now be done within the panel by using the delete world checkbox at the top of the panel and then running the green button at the bottom.
  21. If you still need help fixing this up please send a support ticket in. We will be able to assist you better there.
  22. To add mods on your DayZ Standalone server you will want to do the following: Switch your servers map type to "Custom" via the Game Server Control panel to enable the "Custom Launch Parameters" Add the id(s) of the mods to the Mod ID area on the panel To activate the mods you will want to put -mod= followed by the mod you wish to activate For example -mod=@example;@mod;@folders Note: if you have mods with spaces in the name. Add " " around the -mod=@example;@mod;@folders part Example: "-mod=@example;@mod;@folders" Optional step (if our Mod Updater does not do this automatically) It is important to note that if the workshop mod comes with a "Keys" folder you will need to add the file contained within that folder to your servers main "Keys" folder in the main file directory if not already there! Then click on the green "Save Settings and Restart Game Servers" button for the changes to take effect and for the mods to load! Once the server is fully booted up and shows started (You may need to refresh the page) head to: https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/servercheck and enter your servers ip:port number (change the last port number to an and click check server. This will add your server to the dayzsa launcher and allow it to show the new mods you have added. To edit/upload/save/delete files via FTP, use the following method: Stop your server from the panel. Log in to FTP using WinSCP (a free FTP software) using the connection details found in the "FTP Details" section of the game server control panel. Download link for WinSCP here: http://winscp.net/eng/download.php Navigate to the directory you wish to upload or edit a file. After editing/uploading/deleting your files in the proper directories, start your server from the panel.