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Everything posted by tbsthug

  1. @PSN_steven1230 This was one of those questions I have asked myself since coins and custom traders came out. Being that you call for that information from the client side. Not that I need to remove them, just wondering if the database would break if they were taken out. I guess it the OCD in me when it comes to files being useful or not. Thank you TBsThug
  2. I have a origins overwatch tavi server. Can I remove server_traders, trader_tids, and traders_data from the database? I do not use the old system for currency. I use coin and all my traders are custom. That information seems useless to have. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPDxDzG5HEjIZjVJ5gBj3-RW_mTJt-CHCehvlr1
  3. I just put in a ticket, if you need more information. I will get it to you. You guys/gals have always got me going in a pinch.
  4. In another server I put the following lines in the Game.ini through filezilla. Do I do the same here? I ask because I have put some other lines in the gameusersetting.ini and restarted the server and they were gone. I found out how to work the gameusersetting.ini so all good there.
  5. I have a Tanoa Server. How do you remove player markers. I tried to up the difficulty to regular and that did not work. Veteran took away 3rd person.
  6. Need help. I have a Tanoa Server. I want to set the difficulty level to Veteran, but I want third person view. I changed the difficulty on the control panel, but it puts you in first person. I looked in the Admin/Users/Admin/Admin.Arma3Profile As you can see the 3rdPersonView=1 that is default still when in game players are in first person. What I wanted in the first place was to get rid of the players markers. You can see each others markers in Regular. class Veteran { class Flags { Armor=0; FriendlyTag=0; EnemyTag=0; MineTag=1; HUD=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; HUDGroupInfo=1; AutoSpot=0; WeaponCursor=0; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=1; UltraAI=0; CameraShake=0; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=1; VonID=1; ExtendetInfoType=0; }; skillFriendly=0.6; skillEnemy=0.6; precisionFriendly=0.28; precisionEnemy=0.28; };
  7. tbsthug

    Tanoa Issue

    Thank you very much for your work
  8. tbsthug

    Tanoa Issue

    Flash92 I am waiting just like you, but I have these chill pills. If you would like to have one, I will be more then glad to share.
  9. tbsthug

    Tanoa Issue

    Is this the one where it tells you you have to purchase and then does not tell you what?https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/487376647/purchase%20problem.jpg
  10. Just trying to find out if and when you think you may have an update for exile 0.9.8 Kiwi for the servers.
  11. @Exile;@ExileServer;@lingor3;@panthera;@CUP Terrains - Core;@CUP Terrains - Maps; That is my launch parameters it does not work any thoughts
  12. So I dont know whats going on with the Launch Parameters. I made a home server using the same files that are in the Survival Servers root. Here are the ones that I copied: @Exile @australia @CUP Terrains - Core @CUP Terrains - Maps @ExileServer keys When I go into game the items that I installed in @ExileServer/Addons/a3_custom.pbo are there all of them. Here is my start.bat file: @echo off start "arma3" /min /high "arma3server.exe" -port=2412 "-config=D:\ARMA 3 SERVER\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\Admin\config.cfg" "-cfg=D:\ARMA 3 SERVER\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\Admin\basic.cfg" "-profiles=D:\ARMA 3 SERVER\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\Admin" -name=default -filePatching "-mod=@australia;@CUP Terrains - Core;@CUP Terrains - Maps;@Exile;@ExileServer" -autoInit
  13. @Exile;@ExileServer;@australia;@CUPTerrainsCore;@CUPTerrainsMaps Renamed folders to @CUPTerrainsCore and @CUPTerrainsMaps http://pastebin.com/ne91W5i0 RPT @Exile;@ExileServer;@australia;@CUP_Terrains_Core;@CUP_Terrains_Maps Renamed folders to @CUP_Terrains_Core and @CUP_Terrains_Maps http://pastebin.com/K6anRMd8 RPT @Exile;@ExileServer;@australia;@CUP Terrains - Core;@CUP Terrains - Maps Renamed folders to @CUP Terrains - Core and @CUP Terrains - Maps This is the only one that would let the server show up The two above would not show up in the A3 list http://pastebin.com/4pCGTJAJ RPT
  14. Ryan Pennington client ALP (what i use to launch the game to play) @australia;@CUP Terrains - Core;@CUP Terrains - Maps;@Exile this is on the control panel (custom launch parameter) @Exile;@ExileServer;@australia;@CUP Terrains - Core;@CUP Terrains - Maps folders on server @Exile @australia @CUP Terrains - Core @CUP Terrains - Maps @ExileServer The problem I am having may and may not have to do with launch parameter. Just working on list to find a fix. When I build in editor somethings show up in game and others dont. Sometimes I put scripts in that others make and half work and the other half dont. Like today I put in a script that would make vehicles when bought land on a heli pad just like in Arma 2. One of the heli pads used would not work. The creator told me that it could not be the heli pad, but because I changed it to a different one it works now. Yesterday I built a military base with castle walls that are in the CUP T CORE and they do not show up. Could this be caused by the launch parameter? Yes to answer your question I did read the drop down infor on CLP. What do you think the CLP should be with what I have shown you?
  15. I can not join my server because it says that @Epochhive is missing do i need to put this in the launch per.. -servermod=@Epochhive;
  16. Hello having the same issue on my test server and a server that is up and running. I get kicked to the lobby after about one minute in game. This happens to all that join. Just update to the latest infistar... on the test server if i take infistar out you can join and you will not get kicked. as soon as i put it back you will get kicked.. this is what i found in the rpt file: 16:32:53 "infiSTAR.de fnc_AdminFirstReq: [1234,B 1-1-C:1 (Jim) REMOTE,"player UID"]" 16:32:53 "infiSTAR.de ******ADMIN-LOGIN******: Jim(76561198015995482)" 16:32:53 "infiSTAR.de fnc_AdminReqProceed: [1234,B 1-1-C:1 (Jim) REMOTE,"player UID"]" 16:34:42 "infiSTAR.de Log: Jim (player UID) | T2 did not update in 158.439s (old time 128.434, new time 286.873). FPS: 31.6206. (KICKED)" 16:34:42 "["PVAHR_0_e9x5F4o632k0C5A7e3M6A2k",["Jim","player UID","SLOG",[84,50,32,100,105,100,32,110,111,116,32,117,112,100,97,116,101,32,105,110,32,49,53,56,46,52,51,57,115,32,40,111,108,100,32,116,105,109,101,32,49,50,56,46,52,51,52,44,32,110,101,119,32,116,105,109,101,32,50,56,54,46,56,55,51,41,46,32,70,80,83,58,32,51,49,46,54,50,48,54,46,32,40,75,73,67,75,69,68,41]]]" in the publicvariable.log i get this: 11.11.2015 16:16:13: Jim ( player GUID - #5 "PVAHR_0_j1x9D4n1M5j6r8F3r6v3H8C7M" = ["Jim","player UID","SLOG",[84,50,32,100,105,100,32,110,111,116,32,117,112,100,97,116,101,32,105,110,32,49,57,48,46,52,49,50,115,32,40,111,108,100,32,116,105,109,101,32,49,51,48,46,54,48,51,44,32,110,101,119,32,116,105,109,101,32,51,50,49,46,48,49,53,41,46,32,70,80,83,58,32,51,56,46,49,56,54,50,46,32,40,75,73,67,75,69,68,41]] Now I have tried to add !="PVAHR_[a-z,0-9]{10,16}" to the publicvariable, still get kicked Here is my Publicbariable.txt Like I said this happen on another server that is online. Any help I buy all the in game beer you want..
  17. I think I followed your instructions, but I get kicked for BE script restriction #41 I looked in the BE filter folder and looked in script.log and found this: scripts.log below 09.10.2015 19:15:41: Thug ( 0232a7b19a5b2aaf134bc8075df1cd8f - #41 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.altis\init.sqf" if (isServer) then { []execVM "EDITOR_ADDONS\thugs_mb.sqf"; };" Here is my command line and file below: init.sqf has the following in it and is in the root of the mission side: if (isServer) then { []execVM "EDITOR_ADDONS\thugs_mb.sqf"; }; in a folder named EDITOR_ADDONS which is in the root of the mission side, I have a file named thugs_mb.sqf below is the content of the file: private ["_objs"]; _objs = [ ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9942.32,19335.8,-1.14354],270,[[-1,4.88762e-007,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9942.32,19351.5,-0.649429],275.727,[[-0.995008,0.0997935,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9943.98,19368.1,-1.03761],277.364,[[-0.991753,0.128166,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9943.96,19368,-0.143723],278.182,[[-0.989821,0.142316,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9982.88,19350.1,-0.125778],267.136,[[-0.998751,-0.0499589,0],[-0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9983.06,19345.8,0.0293121],265.909,[[-0.997452,-0.071339,0],[-0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9988.51,19356.2,-0.352051],270,[[-1,4.88762e-007,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9970.49,19374.5,-0.232925],176.318,[[0.0642162,-0.997936,0],[0,-0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9963.76,19336.1,-0.493851],348.136,[[-0.205582,0.97864,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9958.61,19333.8,-0.625946],354.273,[[-0.0997928,0.995008,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9950.31,19333,-0.448349],176.727,[[0.0570889,-0.998369,0],[0,-0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9945.89,19332.8,-0.61438],180,[[6.27833e-007,-1,0],[0,-0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9947.86,19371.8,-0.166351],175.5,[[0.0784595,-0.996917,0],[0,-0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9943.77,19427.9,-0.0570374],252.818,[[-0.955372,-0.295406,0],[-0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9943.84,19427.9,-1.25017],252,[[-0.951057,-0.309017,0],[-0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9937.71,19433.1,-0.0573425],226.636,[[-0.727011,-0.686626,0],[-0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9931.61,19439.4,-0.00227356],226.227,[[-0.72209,-0.691799,0],[-0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9925.38,19444.9,0.51297],220.5,[[-0.649448,-0.760406,0],[-0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9918.1,19447.5,0.34343],182.045,[[-0.0356923,-0.999363,0],[-0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9909.37,19447.4,-0.157654],182.455,[[-0.0428272,-0.999083,0],[-0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9900.83,19447.2,-0.0439758],178.364,[[0.0285557,-0.999592,0],[0,-0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9894.41,19443.7,0.352829],290.455,[[-0.93695,0.349464,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9889.06,19437.3,-0.259888],312.955,[[-0.731895,0.681418,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9889.1,19437.3,0.45433],312.136,[[-0.74155,0.670898,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9882.01,19432.5,-4.72507],162.818,[[0.295405,-0.955372,0],[0,-0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9882.28,19432.5,-2.08701],164.045,[[0.274874,-0.96148,0],[0,-0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9882.18,19432.4,-0.267578],345.273,[[-0.254217,0.967147,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[9882.1,19432.4,1.36099],346.091,[[-0.240382,0.970678,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrier_1_F",[9861.79,19427.5,0],89.1818,[[0.999898,0.0142793,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrier_1_F",[9869.47,19428.8,0],89.1818,[[0.999898,0.0142793,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrier_1_F",[9852.28,19420.9,-0.228531],86.3182,[[0.997936,0.0642157,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrier_1_F",[9843.5,19410.9,-0.252548],4.49997,[[0.0784586,0.996917,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrier_1_F",[9856.21,19332.1,-0.344223],112.909,[[0.921123,-0.389271,0],[0,-0,1]],false], ["Land_HBarrier_1_F",[9883.01,19329,-0.442688],89.1818,[[0.999898,0.0142793,0],[0,0,1]],false] ]; { private ["_obj"]; _obj = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; if (_x select 4) then { _obj setDir (_x select 2); _obj setPos (_x select 1); } else { _obj setPosATL (_x select 1); _obj setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 3); }; } foreach _objs;
  18. Let me ask, What file is activating the init.sqf?
  19. Thank you for the information. Having some server issues right now, will try tomorrow.
  20. We at TBsGaming have a Exile server with Survival Servers. I know how to Arma 2 script, but just getting started with Arma 3. I have made a custom editor addon sqf file. It is called hilltop_base.sqf. Can someone tell me where on client side I would put it. I can make it just dont know where to put it lol. Also where would I put the command line that points to that file? I know in Arma2 that I would put the sqf file in a folder called addons and in the init.sqf file I would put a command line at the very bottom and it would look like this: []execVM "addons\hilltop_base.sqf";
  21. Does anyone know if there is a problem with the servers loading pbo's. I can not get to my servers to load pbos. the server is port 21. I use filezilla to gean access. When i go to the control panel at survival servers, i cant get to it there. It gives me "this page is not available ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED". Thug
  22. Getting the same action as above. My ticket # is Ticket #867451Thank you in advance for your help Ryan
  23. 7/23/15 06:00 Today I went on and with every restart it is taken us (ALL PLAYERS) back to just before the update done on or about the 20th. Everything that was built yesterday is gone. Before the update when i logged on i was killed by a dino and when i log in now that is what i go through each time after a restart.