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Ryan Pennington

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Everything posted by Ryan Pennington

  1. Would be great, unfortunately we haven't landed a provider there yet.
  2. Should be fixed now. We have an automated check for the latest version and it had a slight issue which is now fixed.
  3. No, it's not. They changed how the Map variable passed a few updates back. The only way to get the name of the seed you would need to download your .fwl file and put it in a hex editor eehvCrcQKN j0vTqNebCL
  4. There is, it requires uploading a modified assembly which we can do via support ticket (understanding that it will need to be done after each Valheim update)
  5. Then it's either not found or you didn't stop your server before deleting it.
  6. You've always had the ability to Direct Connect. You can read about the methods to join your server in the pinned thread. (see the first join method) -public 0 is just to disable all outside network connections and only allow LAN (not applicable to game servers)
  7. That would be something you can bring up to the developers of Valheim+ We have identically integrated their configuration and wording they use in the config. Thanks for the detailed break-down though, helpful for those modifying either setting.
  8. Shouldn't need to do that. It will not overwrite your config if you don't wipe the valheim_plus.cfg file.
  9. Please submit a support ticket so we can check into that. That's definitely not how it should work.
  10. Updated with more clear instructions, sorry about that.
  11. Please create a support ticket if you have any issues with this method.
  12. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask them. This thread has instructions in the first post on how to do it. If you can't figure it out I would suggest creating a support ticket so we can upload it for you and you can just download it from your support ticket.
  13. That's a completely different issue, please stay on topic.
  14. We do not recommend unchecking the Enforce Mod checkbox. I am confused why it even exists. Most of the features of Valheim+ rely on this being checked and having it installed client-side. There simply is no benefit to allowing clients to connect without it. You wouldn't want players being able to play the game at vanilla settings while another player is playing with increased settings. If you get Incompatible Version it's because #1) the connecting client does not have it installed. See this guide to install and confirm at the end (under Tips & Tricks) that it is installed https://survivalservers.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_Install_Valheim_Plus Or #2 you have a bad config client-side. You can simply reinstall Valheim+ and overwrite that \BepInEx\config\valheim_plus.cfg to default and then attempt reconnecting (so rinse and repeat the Clientside Install Steps entirely if you are unsure)
  15. It's not missing it's just that first checkbox. I guess it can be reworded slightly but the V+ dev decided that one section would have a slightly different wording compared to the enable=true for each of the other sections simply enabling those sections. You need to have that first checkbox enabled to enable the second one. I don't quite understand why it is a section enabler boolean.
  16. Probably because you do not have Valheim+ installed on your client-side correctly (or at all) https://survivalservers.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_Install_Valheim_Plus Read the section related to Client-Side / Connecting Players
  17. https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/forum/137-valheim-modding/
  18. It takes a few minutes to load from Loading to Ready status (which will show version)
  19. Admins are working. Whitelisting is currently not supported. We are working on it though and should have it ready sometime this week.