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Getting mod mismatch when joining my server o.O


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i am trying to add a few mods to my server ill list them at the bottom i copyed the numbers for them the same as id and put them in the mod id box with a , after each one ive added 3 already no problem i add another i get mod mismatch

any idea WHY?


mods trying to use

Extinction Core

Structures plus

Platforms Plus

Ultra Stacks

Castle Keeps And Forts

Automated Ark

Utilities Plus

Classic flyers


like i said the 1st 3 in order are Extinction core,S+ and automated ark if i add anytihng after those 3 i get mod mismatch o.O

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For anyone having trouble with Mod Mismatch:

1. restart your server, as a mod may have been updated recently since last restart
2. unsubscribe from all mods and resubscribe and start Ark (wait if something is downloading/installing)
3. if still not working contact support

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