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Adding Mods to Survival Servers


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I'm having trouble adding mods to my server.  I've found the mod ID, pasted it into the Mod IDs section of the server config from the control panel, and hit the Save Settings and Restart Server button at the bottom of the control panel, but upon jumping back into the server could not find the mod to be activated.  Is there a more detailed description of this process someone could point me to?  Or if the answer is simple enough would someone mind posting it here?  Thanks in advance for any actual help everybody.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For this issue it is hard to put a specific answer to it sadly. As it can be a range of problems from the mod not being updated yet by the developer. Which can throw an error when trying to join. Another issue is if you are running a custom map. The map and mods could not be compatible with together so you would have to get rid of the mods. It could also be if you are running a custom launch parameter the mod ids need to be in both the MOD ID area and the launch parameter in a certain way, or the mods in the MOD ID area need to be set up in a certain order as one needs priority over another. The list goes on sadly with mods and how they work. Which is why a ticket is normally needed for this issue.

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  • 6 months later...

Seems like there should still be a "this is how to install a mod" and if that doesn't work, THEN submit a ticket.  Maybe there is a post with best practices and I just haven't seen it yet.  I'm new.  :)

How to install a Mod:


Write them in Mod ID(s) like this: 817096835,848706943,812655342

If you have Custom Launch Parameters enabled, add this to your line like this: ?GameModIDs=817096835,848706943,812655342




P.S.: sorry for the necro lol

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  • 11 months later...

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