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Halloween 2017

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I ran the survivalservers update (halloween), I can't tell anything is different? I have tried steam forums and facebook. There seems to be a lot of confusion about the halloween event this year? Is it only on official? Doesn't work on ragnorok? I see many posts with people complaining but no answers? Does anyone know what is going on? Has anyone gotten it to work? No one on twitch is streaming it? A friend said it was great last year.  ???????????

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I ran the survivalservers update (halloween), I can't tell anything is different? I have tried steam forums and facebook. There seems to be a lot of confusion about the halloween event this year? Is it only on official? Doesn't work on ragnorok? I see many posts with people complaining but no answers? Does anyone know what is going on? Has anyone gotten it to work? No one on twitch is streaming it? A friend said it was great last year.  ???????????

I see that there is an Halloween server update in the settings :)

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First update to Halloween branch




Next follow the rest of the steps in this tweet:






NightTimeSpeedScale=0.25 (you can do this via Modify Server Config tool or direct GameUserSettings.ini modification)

DayTimeSpeedScale=4.0 (same as above)




BaseTemperatureMultiplier=0.475 (this will soon be added to Modify Server Config tool, for now you can modify Game.ini directly)


Then run this admin command on your server -


enablecheats mypassword

cheat destroywilddinos

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Running the Halloween update has not changed anything on our server. We don't really care about the temperature or speed, we just want special animals above ground and the new loot drops. Neither seem to be in after doing an update with the Halloween update.

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It's late, but the halloween update did work on Ragnarok...to a degree. All it did was change the loot quality and slightly changed up the dino spawns on the surface. But Rag, as with most new maps, didn't get any bone dino's walking around or anything else cool.

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OK So I did run the halloween update to the server...and it did change stuff in the drops. We got a lot of skins for easter/christmas/halloween etc.. Since then I have run update/validate multiple times. I don't know how to get the drops to stop and go back to normal??? How do I undo the Halloween thingy???

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It's late, but the halloween update did work on Ragnarok...to a degree. All it did was change the loot quality and slightly changed up the dino spawns on the surface. But Rag, as with most new maps, didn't get any bone dino's walking around or anything else cool.

Yes. We did end up with skins in the drops and dinos (spiders etc..) spawning where they don't normally. Now halloween is over and I have updated the server and we are still getting drops with skins and weird dino spawning? How do I turn it off?????

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Yes. We did end up with skins in the drops and dinos (spiders etc..) spawning where they don't normally. Now halloween is over and I have updated the server and we are still getting drops with skins and weird dino spawning? How do I turn it off?????

I believe you have to do something like this:


"To end the event first delete every folder within your SteamCMD folder. After that, delete the Engine and SteamApps folder from the server directory. Once that's done, delete the Binaries and Content from the Shootergame folder. Then run steamCMD.exe to re-download the files there, close once done and then just run the update file for the servers,  making sure -beta halloween is removed. Then use the commands destroywilddinos and forcerespawndinos and that should fix the issue of cave dinos out in the wild."


As stated here:



However, be careful NOT to delete your Saves folder. I don't know if our hosting company has any different options here though. I'd like to see their response as this process seems a bit hacky to me.

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The Wife and I play mainly on our Ragnarok cluster. I updated it using the Halloween option, all was well. Had fun scrambling to get the drops, avoiding the damn bats when I could. Servers are at version 273.56 and have been for a while, however, according to Steam forum officials are at 273.6. I don't understand why I'm not. I'm not panicked yet and drops are still giving skins and still seeing some I didn't have, which is great. I don't want it to end, yet. I'm kind of wondering if this is by WildCards design, as some of the skins are not Halloween at all, but are seasonal. Except those damn bats.


At some point I would expect my servers to update and at some point they better, because my game client won't let me on. I sure hope like hell there is a way to get this done without doing what digicyc (post above) is saying to get it right again.

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One way that you can push past this is the click on the "Clean SteamCMD" check box and then run the update. This has resolved most issues. 


This DID work!


What I had to do was FIRST Check "Clean SteamCMD" and then Click Restart.

Then once it came back up I did a Restart with Update checked in the Dropdown.


This Fixed the issue and I no longer have the Halloween event and I'm running on Latest Ark Server Version.


Thank you!

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