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Deez Games PvE Community [TX]

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The Deez Games community currently has 5 servers through Survival Servers, all located in Dallas, Tx.


We have game servers for Conan: Exiles, 2x Cluster Servers for ARK - Survival Evolved (The Center and Ragnarok Maps) and now, TWO Dark & Light servers!


Our community has Very Active Admins, an Active Discord channel, which you can get the information for from within any of our games (We don't post our discord outside of game)


We also have a YouTube channel that is currently in the process of expanding with additional YouTubers within our community. Because of this YouTube channel, and the potential for Streaming on our server, I do like to point this out as your character names and possibly steam names may be displayed in our Videos and streams(Your Steam Name is displayed in game above your character in some games,) so we want people to be aware of this ahead of time.


Our rates for all servers stay close to vanilla, however rates that we consider unreasonable (Like Taming in ARK) have been increased a bit.


Rates on our servers are as follows.


Conan - 1.5x XP


ARK - 1.5x XP, 3x Taming, Boosted Breeding (Rates not listed as there's too many minor changes), and several Engram changes to reduce early costs for aesthetic items and prerequisite items that don't otherwise get used beyond that prereq.


D&L - 1 Vanilla server, and 1 with boosted rates, though we are looking at changing Taming slightly once major updates level out a little, as the game is still a bit too new to make major changes without establishing the baseline properly.


It should be noted that we are very much a Community, and our servers all are PvE because of this. We chat about our lives in Discord, and just generally consider everyone in the community to be friends. We are a large community with a small community mindset in that regard.


Our servers are nearly 100% crowd funded, so our community must think we're doing something right. =)


If you would like to check us out, please find us in an Unofficial Server search for Deez Games in any of our games listed.




Deez Games

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