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I see lot of comments on Servers recently purchased not showing up in DayzLauncher.



I had this issue long ago and recently with few other games. This will help speed things up for those who do not know.

For why this happens, the mystery remains within the magical wizard and server companies and arma.


This may not resolve it immediately, however give this a try and give it few minutes 10-30 minutes. it's a wide range, however it does depend.



NOTE:If you are using Survival Launcher, than this idea is not for you, they are (i can only assume) directly connected, Survival Launcher is a pretty nice system if you don't have it, i would recommend to the new comer.



Stick with Similar products: You can get the SurvivalLauncher here. The Team came up with some pretty cool gadgets and unlike DayzLauncher, SurvivalLauncher includes, Arma2, Arma3 and Ark in one. It's pretty nifty and is updated.


Nonetheless, you may just be eager to play so try this below.

  1. Take your ip from your control panel and type it into the field: HERE
  2. Look at your PORT number the one that looks like :2302 or whatever number on end.
  3. Because of the new ID and constant reused IP, you may have to +1 on rare occasions -1
  4. So if you have a port with :2303  add 1 (2304).

As always, if after 30minutes your server is still not showing up, always submit a support ticket, but during the time you wait for replies especially at strange hours, try the above, it is harmless.




One thing I forgot to mention is you can also find the Steam Query Port assigned to your server through the FTP client.

As long as you can access it, you can find this information in the server.cfg file in your Admin Folder.


sometimes the ports are completely different

Edited by PSN_steven1230
Updated link for dayz check.

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