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admin commands??

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I've done a lot of searching for the same information and all I've managed to find from an official source are the launch parameters.


ServerPVE This enables PVE Mode. Players cannot hurt other players, structures, or tamed dinos.
ServerHardcore This enables Hardcore Mode. When you die, your character is gone.
ServerCrosshair This enables use of the crosshair.
ServerForceNoHUD This disables the floating character name popups.
AltSaveDirectoryName This is if you want to save the data to an alternate directory to run multiple concurrent servers.
GlobalVoiceChat This will make voice chat global and no longer proximity based.
ProximityChat This will make text chat proximity based.
NoTributeDownloads This will disable downloading external items/characters/dinos into this ARK.
AllowThirdPersonPlayer This enables players to play in third-person foot mode (work in progress).
AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft This will notify players when someone leaves.
DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined This will prevent notification of players when someone joins.

My understanding is that these are CVARs, so you wouldn't use them as commands; you'd use them for launching the server.

Example: ShooterGameServer.exe?TheIsland?ServerPVE?ServerCrosshair?GlobalVoiceChat?AllowThirdPersonPlayer

I am not aware of there being any Admin Commands along the lines of kicking or banning players. This is a tremendous oversight if true and I would hope that ARK will be updated soon to provide us with the commands/tools that we need to actually administrate our private servers.

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You can't log into your server as admin. You have to type this command in game console: 

enablecheats your_admin_password

As Rain said, these commands are cvar commands. I'm not sure if we can change the way we launch the servers. There's a checkbox in your control pannel to add some custom launch parameters but I don't know how to write them.




Also, there's some cheats you can enable.

Log in as an admin in your server (enablecheats server_password) and type the following commands:


cheat God: Enables god mode, you are unkillable except be careful, you can still drown. 
cheat Fly: You are able to fly. 
cheat Walk: Deactives flying and allows you to walk again
cheat Teleport: You are teleported in the way that you are facing.



More infos: http://steamcommunity.com//sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=454529617

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so i cant actualy kick unwanted people from server while im playing with a simple command ><  that suks


on another note will i be able to change the day night cycle with a command ?? 


im new to this so sorry if they are dumb questions

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I've done a lot of searching for the same information and all I've managed to find from an official source are the launch parameters.




My understanding is that these are CVARs, so you wouldn't use them as commands; you'd use them for launching the server.


Example: ShooterGameServer.exe?TheIsland?ServerPVE?ServerCrosshair?GlobalVoiceChat?AllowThirdPersonPlayer


I am not aware of there being any Admin Commands along the lines of kicking or banning players. This is a tremendous oversight if true and I would hope that ARK will be updated soon to provide us with the commands/tools that we need to actually administrate our private servers.


any more info, been looking around in the FTP files and online on how to turn the server to a PVE without have to use the launch command?

so far i havn't been able to get it to worke  using thexample



been a long time since i used FTP functions and there seems not to be very much config files for adminitrative properties.


Anyone else have success?

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another stupid question from a noob at running a server but my windows wont open any of the files in the ftp . do i need a certain program to open them ?? im guessing if we will eventually have the option to make changes through the ini file in the ftp i will need to be able to open and edit it .

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You'll need to download them to your computer then edit them there. Try using notepad++ its really useful and opens loads of file types and give you syntax for commonly used languages

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another stupid question from a noob at running a server but my windows wont open any of the files in the ftp . do i need a certain program to open them ?? im guessing if we will eventually have the option to make changes through the ini file in the ftp i will need to be able to open and edit it .


It depends of your FTP software. I'm using FileZilla on Windows. Go to Edit -> Settings -> File editing -> Filetype associations.

Now you have to add a line for .ini files : ini "C:\Windows\notepad.exe" (or the path to your favorite software, Sublime Text in my case).

Here is an example of my settings:




Then you right click on your file -> View/Edit and it should work. When you save it, FileZilla will tell you that a file has been changed:



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It depends of your FTP software. I'm using FileZilla on Windows. Go to Edit -> Settings -> File editing -> Filetype associations.

Now you have to add a line for .ini files : ini "C:\Windows\notepad.exe" (or the path to your favorite software, Sublime Text in my case).

Here is an example of my settings:




Then you right click on your file -> View/Edit and it should work. When you save it, FileZilla will tell you that a file has been changed:



brillaint ty very much 

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i c that u have changed gameusersettings.ini  . i take it thats for you when playing on your own but which file would it be to actualy make changes to the server settings itself ie things like day night cycle  pvp or pve ect .

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cheat God – Enables God Mode(Rumor has it you can still drown)
cheat Fly – You can fly!
cheat Walk – Stops you from flying.
cheat Teleport – Teleport in the direction you are facing.
cheat Ghost – Noclip, walk through objects/walls.
cheat ToggleInfiniteAmmo: Unlimited Ammo!
setcheatplayer true – Turns on cheat menu.
setcheatplayer false – Turns off cheat menu.
giveresources – Gives 50 of any resource on local servers.
giveengrams – Unlocks all crafting.
ServerPVE – Disables PVP.
ServerHardcore – Character stats reset on death.
ServerForceNoHUD – Floating names become disabled.
ServerCrosshair – Enables Crosshair.
GlobalVoiceChat – Everyone can hear everyone, no matter the distance.
ProximityChat – Text chat only appears at close proximity.
AllowThirdPersonPlayer – Enables 3rd person.
AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft – Enables departure message.
DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined – Disables join message.
settimeofday <time> – Changes time.
AltSaveDirectoryName – Server data is saved in an alternate directory.
saveworld – Saves the current world.
damagetarget <amount> – Damage is dealt to your target.
destroyallenemies – Destroys all enemies on local servers.
destroytarget – Destroys the entire world. Do not use this unless you want to nuke your current world.
slomo 5 – Unsure. Still needs testing.
autoSpawn trex – Spawns a T-Rex.
autoSpawn dragon – Spawns a Dragon.
NoTributeDownloads – Disable downloading external items/characters/dinosaurs into this ARK.
A few others I found by looking around:

Giveresources    Give 50 of any resource (local servers only)
Walk    Turn fly and/or ghost off
Setcheatplayer true    Enables cheat menu
Setcheatplayer false    Disables cheat menu
Settimeofday <time>    Changes time of day eg. Settimeofday 12:00
ToggleInfiniteAmmo    Enables/disables infinite ammo
Teleport    You are teleported in the way that you are facing.

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could someone post the exact line i could copy and paste into my Launch Parameters line  to enable the crosshair and third person plz . 

i cant get it to work myself .

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