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Typical Complaint 6-12 hr response times need to be down to 1hr

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I am not going to go on a rampage again, I surely do not have the strength anymore (mentally).


(Calmly): Can we start getting better support Please. I understand there are 3 People maybe a 4th that are working with Survival Servers, I also understand it is not a big company and most likely all 3 are sitting next to each other and hold down other jobs part time.


But can you just hire like 10 people to do support 24/7? Im sure $8/hr plus free server would be more than beneficial. 10-20 hrs each a week. You can afford that much especially with the influx of Arma3 Players. 


Because when you have excellent Customer Service and Rapid Response...you start to climb that ladder and get more business. It is no secret you guys are at the bottom of the review charts all over Google.


I find myself time and time again stuck when nobody is around to help or reply. My server is not showing up in any launcher, commander and only one it shows up on is the Multiplayer Steam default list, however, I cant play my server because nothing is working, it wont launch from there. Also Most companies Like GTX, Vilayer, Fastpointgaming, gamingdeluxe and gamemodders, have a very quick response time. 


Can we please start increasing this? Maybe hire a few people to reset the Panels when they crash, or I am sure there is someway others can contribute just a few hours a week without having to be very advanced in scripting.


Decided to give ya guys another go about...

---Finding myself regretting the $40.00. :(


P.S. Nearly every other company I used or friends used and got setup...IMMEDIATELY IT WAS ON THE LAUNCHERS! I am now going on 7hrs roughly.


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We charge $20 a month for game servers, if we could hire 2-3 more support managers we could have 1 hour response times, unfortunately we don't have those resources.


The nature of the game is that issues take time to debug issues - and there are a lot of inexperienced server admins that require lots of help.


Our typical process of fully answering a ticket could take up to 15-20 minutes per reply for issues that require hands-on support (logging into the server, logging)


We're doing our best, working weekends and nights most days and trying to maintain (somewhat) of a personal life at the same time.


I appreciate the feedback but we cannot meet the support ticket reply timeframe that you mention.

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Believe me...I get, I reaaaaaaally do. 


But when it's simple things like map issues or servers not showing up. I know you guys have fixed this millions of times in minutes. Some issues should be directed into separate categories and maybe the easier issues could have a better feel to it for customers. While still working on solutions to the more complex problems, at least you are knocking out the stuff that can be done quicker. 

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That would mean some customers get priority over others. We respond from the oldest reply to the newest.


That's not to say that it is a 100% firm policy, we do scan over ticket titles and some ticket content to see if there are more immediate concerns that need our attention (emergencies, urgent issues). It's just not a good system and precedent to set by replying in an unorganized fashion.

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well in that respect, im sure everyone selects the "High Priority" level lol.

Well, I just would like to know if it is something I can control on my side is all. But I will respect it this time, and try to be patient. It's less than $1 a day which is low as it is.


Maybe offer training to people. When server don't show up: "WHAT TO DO" type forum. Possible causes, and just reassurance can make all the difference. Thanks for the reply. Wish the energy was used up on resetting the server lol.

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