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Software/Tool/Feature Requests - Post Here

Ryan Pennington

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If you have an idea for a software/tool that you think we should support, please post here.


I will take a look and see if I can do it and update the status in this post.


Open Requests

  • None yet, we just launched Rust so bare with us :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
[Experimental] LFG stack sizes for Oxide.  


I would like to have this plug-in added to the default plug-ins for Rust Experimental.

This allows you to control the sizes of stacks of items in the game. 

For instance the default is 1000. 

With this plug-in it will allow for more manageable stacks of resources. 



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[Experimental] Crafting Controller for Oxide


I would like to have this plug-in added to the default plug-ins for Rust 

This allows the admins to control the crafting speeds. 

This often helps with creating such things as band-aids.

You often bleed out before you can even craft a bandage. 


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  • 6 months later...
  • 4 months later...

It would be useful to see what version of oxide is currently available from you guys. So we know when to update our Rust Experimental servers.

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  • 1 year later...

I would love to see an automatic Oxide plugin updater, there is one already out there.

It is extremely annoying when you have to keep your players waiting because you need to update your plugins one by one.


http://oxidemod.org/resources/plugin-updater-windows.1829/- This tool could be paired with http://oxidemod.org/plugins/smooth-restarter.1826/

The two tools/plugins would allow for easily detecting new rust devblogs/updates and waiting for new oxide releases, restarting and updating the server and then after that updating all of the plugins.


This would make hosting modded servers hassle free so we do not need to manually update and wait for every Rust update, especially when the updates release in the middle of the night.


Thank you,

- Nikola

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  • 3 months later...

The ability to setup reoccurring server wipe schedule


Create a new calendar event with reoccurring options such as Every 2nd Tuesday of the month wipe the server at 12am.  Having this automated would be great.


Server wipe buttons


Button to wipe the server instantly retaining blueprints.

Button to full wipe including blueprints

Button to set the server to defaults (the way it was when you first ordered it)

  These buttons would require a confirmation password to complete


Due to the same questions being asked over and over and over and......

A massive how to guide with a table of contents for easy searching.  *Kept up to date*

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