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Found 16 results

  1. I've used Survival servers for Ark for a few years now with no issue. Today I am trying to start a new server on the Fjordur map and it just will not start. I've been all through the forums trying fixes including the staff advised fix of restarting with the "Yes, run update" option. I would very much prefer not to refund or move to a different server host so any insight would be much appreciated!
  2. Active task is running Your game server is currently working on task "start" which started 07/17/2020 19:05:15 PST. Control panel functionality will be limited until this task is completed. Any ideas how to atleast restart the server? It bugged a little. It says server is live but it's not and it still has task note. Can't do anything coz panel is locked and I scheduled start of my server today for the community lol.
  3. Just patiently waiting for our servers to update Maybe post here if you are having trouble
  4. Both my servers are refusing to update from ARK Version 541.5 to ARK Version 542.1 I have been waiting over 1 hour and 20 minutes and the servers are still down. This is unbelievable I'm loosing players and server donations, the players are leaving my servers and discord channel for other servers because they are up and running without any issues. To be honest things like this are a big letdown as I did not expect to have issues like this with your guys as host. I left nitrado.net because I think they are a little overpriced but I never had any issues like this over there. Since I joined you guys and rented 2 servers and paid for them to run an entire year I have been experiencing huge lag spikes (Still going on), Server Rollbacks (which you luck ally fixed) no option to ban people from a Web-Interface I'm forced to login to the game, which is difficult at times as I'm not always in the same place as where my PlayStation is located. and now this servers that WON'T UPDATE I mean what else can go wrong? In all honesty I'm kinda feeling like you guys just don't care and I'm feeling that I should have never rented servers here. `You can say oh the have you tried using Default .INI files but that is not the issue, the .INI files are working perfectly fine` It's 5AM for me, I'm done waiting I'm off to bed. This really sucks guys it really does. - Michael GAME SERVER ID #96502 GAME SERVER ID #96503
  5. Is there a way to permanently set Atlas Update to "Run Update/Validate" because the default Run does not update the build Thanks
  6. I logged into my server this morning and saw that an update was required. So i went to the admin panel and started an update by restarting the server.... that was at 12:30, it's now 2:00... does it really take an hour and a half to update? I've got a group of people waiting to play! I opened a ticket with their support, hoping that they are active today.
  7. Hi Team, Im trying to update my server to the latest version but it does not want to update. ive tried to use both the "Yes, Run Update" option and also the "Yes, Run Update/force" When i press the save and restart button at the bottom it shows a red loading bar for about 3 mins and then starts the server but it still shows the old verison? am i do anything wrong? i have also submitted a ticket just in case.
  8. Everytime I put the server update option to Yes, run update or Yes, run update/validate, then I click on Save settings and restart game server. Then it tells me it's updating, restarting and might take 20 minutes. After that is done, the server update option will go back to -- Only if Needed -- It also keeps telling me: Outdated Version - Your server version may be outdated. While im trying to put a setting in there and it automatically gets turned back to -- Only if Needed -- What am i supposed to do??? It's bugged
  9. I hadnt played 7 days to die in about 3 weeks, when I cam back the game had updated and said I could not log into the server because it was an older version. I restarted the server and it shuts itself off after about a minute. This has been going on for about 2 hours now. How can I get my server back online?
  10. Hey guys, Do I actually have to download the new rust files to my personal machine and then ftp them into the server? Ew... Because I think that SteamCMD supports remote FTP with the Force_Install_Dir ftp://MotokoRoxMySox:[email protected]. I get a valid connection attempt rejection in the prompt.
  11. Just trying to find out if and when you think you may have an update for exile 0.9.8 Kiwi for the servers.
  12. Hey I'm brand new to modding, I don't know how to save the structures me and my crew have built so we can avoid rebuilding every single update. Can someone explain how to do this step by step specifically for the survival servers website? I've seen plenty of other threads online and I either don't understand how to find the serverauto.cfg file in the files cache or know of any other ways to get the structures to be saved upon an update. Any info you guys have would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Hello, I've submitted a ticket about this and wondered if you could review it any sooner? Ticket No: 121176 Basically, any attempt I make to update the server to the latest version of Rust just doesn't work. Also yesterday the server wouldn't restart and is now showing 'Unknown' Thanks for your time, Charlie
  14. How do I go about updating the mods that I'm using on my server? I can log in from my profile but when my wife tries to log in from her steam on the same computer it tells me to ensure that all mods are up to date?
  15. So this is getting ridiculous and confusing and I would appreciate if anyone can help. All I want to do is change my server name to different than what it is now, I first tried changing by control panel and hitting update and restart and that did nothing then I went into FTP files and changed GAmeUserSEttings.ini file and same thing with the trying to change the gather rates and taming speed when I tchanged that then hit update/restart server, it all reset. Please help.
  16. Hi All, Sorry if this sounds stupid but how do I update my dedicated Ark server to the latest version? + Making sure I don't loose progress? Please help! Kind regards, Chups