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Posts posted by Womba

  1. Thanks for response.


    It still shows as Tropical Freeport in Steam though, I want it too say the server name there as well. Would you know how? I have named in the control panel

    I had the same issue, for some reason my home server didn't reflect the name given on the control panel page, the gameusersettings.ini file or in the .json file itself.  It only shows up as Tropical Freeport.

  2. I'm getting slow response from Support. 2 days and still can't play on the servers.


    Anyone have experience with a setup more than 4 servers?


    It took over a day just to get the home server workable, and when i log in i can't see any other servers available and when i try to log in manually to one of them i'm getting a timeout error.


    Also when i look at the atlas i'm seeing a 4x4 grid.  Is this normal for 9 servers?


    Also it looks like my map is some generic place holder and has crap written all over it.  

    Issue I am having is that while I have multiple servers set up, I have been trying to reconfigure them.  Apparently when do that, it throws off billing to the point that I am now being billed multiple times for the same servers.  I haven't heard from Support in days.

  3. I am attempting to modify my GameUserSetting.ini file, but when I go searching for the files in the specified file path I do not have a folder called "WindowsServer" I only have a folder called "WindowsNoEditor" does anyone know how to fix this?


    The server has been started and I have played on it.


    I would submit a support ticket so they can directly look at your server.  They are really fast at responding.

  4. Alright! Bear with my slow mind.


    I ordered 4 extra servers to give me into the 3x3 grid. 


    I know I need to put numbers in the grid x and y. However, the Atlas id? Does each server need it's own id and place into the home server separated by commas?


    Can someone detail the steps here for me? The information on the ? part has me slightly confused.

    The Atlas ID is a number you generate for yourself.  You put that same number into all servers that you are associating to each other.  Remember to have one server with the check box "Home Server" checked.

  5. Did you have to alter the .json file for that to work?


    I added this to the game.ini file and was able to change the max level. Also here is a stat multiplier. Change the 55 to what ever you want max level to be and change the 3 to what ever you want the stat multiplier to be. As this is you will have a level 55 character with 3x stat multiplier.



    PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[0]=3  //Health
    PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[1]=3  //Stamina
    PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[7]=3  //Weight
    PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[10]=3 //Fortitude
    PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[11]=3 //Intelligence

  6. Thanks!


    This is how my json now looks but it didnt work


                "isHomeServer": "true",
                "AdditionalCmdLineParams": "",
                    "OverrideShooterGameModeDefaultGameIni": {
                      "bClampHomeServerXP": "0",
                      "ClampHomeServerXPLevel": "0"
                "AdditionalCmdLineParams": "",
                "OverrideShooterGameModeDefaultGameIni": [],
                "floorZDist": 0,
  7. Works great Ryan!  On the server now.  AM SO EXCITED!  Really looking for how I now mesh the other servers onto this.


    We identified a bug in the way we edit the ServerGrid.json to populate some values. It has been fixed.


    Game servers that are affected are being updated now.


    You can use the Reset Template checkbox and then Save & Restart to fix it on your own.

  8. Updated to current. Shows its running then will just stop. Any ideas on a fix for this?? 

    Same issue, shows up and can be found in the list then as soon as I go to connect it stops.

    **One thing I notice that's weird, its not representing the player count correctly.  On the survivor console it shows 0/15.  View from the Steam server list shows 0/14.

  9. Nitrado is still in a preorder state.  The comments on their site are having the same questions about why their servers are in preorder only.  The number of servers ordered is actually more important than the number of players per server from discussions I have had with people who are in the know.  The map layouts are like a grid with each server being a section of it.  After talking with a dev, I elected for more servers vs. more players on a lower server count.  Besides, Ryan and the crew have been 1000x more reactive with my server needs than any other host out there.  Maybe at the end of the day Nitrado is able to push out private servers a bit faster but honestly I would rather wait for Survival simply because of the customer service I have received.


    It looks like at some point Grapeshot up a file for a dedicated server but the database search didn't have much information.


    1006030 Unknown SteamDB Unknown App 1006030 (ATLAS Dedicated Server) about 12 hours ago
  10. I'm assuming there is no other information but...

    The control panels are geared for ark, and the game is very much an ark-like game. I'm assuming you guys will be modifying the control panels once you have more information about the game?

    Should I even bother messing with the values at this point?

    Even if you mess with the values, I am betting any changes you make won't save until they have the server files to actually install on the servers.