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Everything posted by Capps

  1. I apologize for this, I just saw your ticket, working on it now!
  2. Apologies Tallon, if this still is an issue, please submit a support ticket so we can get this fixed up for you!
  3. You're welcome! Glad to hear its working!
  4. Capps

    Server doesn't start

    Please submit a support ticket so we can look into the issue!
  5. If you are using Custom Launch Parameters you don't need to set -profiles=Admin, our system will point to this location by default. If you are still running into an issue, submit a support ticket and we can take a look!
  6. Capps

    Outdated version

    This should be fixed up now! I went in and updated the version number on our side!
  7. Did placing them with the Activemods=ModID also install them? If so good to know, I haven't had the time to test that method I just went with the editing the json file method. Using the json method you will need to push the new serverGrid.json file to all servers. If you continue to have issues, please submit a support ticket and we can help you get it sorted!
  8. While the above is correct in a sense, if you want to have the server automatically download the mods you need to add them into the ServerGrid.json into the ModIds field! Currently this has to be performed manually, however we are working on adding this feature to the panel! If you need further assistance with how to manually install mods you can send in a support ticket and we can help you out!
  9. It has been like that since the feature was introduced in ARK. Offline Raid Protection disables alliances in order to determine which members are online for a certain company (tribe) and having alliances prevents it from being able to do that due to how alliances work with making players friendly.
  10. If you are still having connection issues please submit a support ticket so we can take a look at it!
  11. Capps

    Modding the server

    You can add the mods into the main file directory once you have connected via FTP! If you run into any issues please submit a support ticket so we can take a look at it!
  12. I believe I may have replied to your ticket earlier this morning, but if I didn't please submit a ticket so we can take a look!
  13. The void main() can be found inside the init.c file! That's where all of the installation of the script will take place!
  14. All good! If you encounter any other bugs with the script please let me know!
  15. Should work with the update, possible that the code as removed from your servers init.c file and needs to be re-added!
  16. Hi Peterng, I've replied once again to the already linked post in this thread! If you continue to have issues getting workshop mods to run, please submit a support ticket so we can take a look and assist you with getting them running!
  17. Capps

    Modding the server

    To avoid this issue you will want to remove the quotes that surround -mod= and also remove all spaces from the uploaded mods on FTP and then update your mod line. So your launch line should have -mod=@RPCFramework;@PermissionsFramework;@CommunityOnlineTools; -scrAllowFileWrite If you continue to have issues, please submit a support ticket so we can take a look at it for you!
  18. Capps

    Modding the server

    To enable modding on your servers you will want to first upload all of the mods you wish to run on your server via FTP! Once the mods have been uploaded you will want to set your map type to "Custom". This will enable the Custom Launch Parameters and you will be able to then use the -mod=@modfolder;@etc;@etc to load the mods onto your server! If you run into any difficulties please submit a support ticket so we can assist you!
  19. The amount of items you can hold entirely depends on how much "space" each time takes up. So you can add more lines to add more gear, however if your character can only hold so much gear, the additional gear likely isn't being added into the inventory. One way to get around that would be to add a backup to each characters starting gear. This little bit of code should when added to your code give players a backpack on spawn! (I haven't actually tested this myself) itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("AssaultBag_Green"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt);
  20. Hey all Capps here! Since the release of DayZ Standalone there have been some requests out there to enable server owners to keep the time of day on their server set to certain point. For example some may want their server to always remain in daylight and others might want eternal darkness. So with that, I've gone ahead and written a small server side script to do just that! Lets dive right into it! So that's great Capps, well what does this script do exactly? Great question, this script allows server owners to set a Start and End hour which their server will continuously loop through! The best example is that it will allow for the server to always remain day time or night time or anywhere in-between. The times that the server loops through is entirely up to the server owner! Okay enough already, tell us how to install this! The installation is rather simple as the script is entirely server side! You can read the in-depth installation instructions here! If you encounter any issues with the script please either post the issues/questions here or over on the Github page! -Capps
  21. Capps


    If you don't see allowcheats off, simply add the new line saying allowcheats on!
  22. Capps


    To enable developer mode on the server you need to add allowCheats on to your server.cfg file via FTP! If you need further assistance with this please submit a support ticket so we can assist you!
  23. I believe I answered your support ticket regarding this issue earlier. However if you haven't submitted one yet, please submit a support ticket so we can help you out with this!
  24. Capps

    FTP not connecting

    FTP should once again be restored! If you are still having an issue please submit a support ticket so we can look into it!
  25. If you haven't already, please submit a support ticket and we will take a look at what is going on!