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Everything posted by Pat

  1. Sadly I can't find the discussion now, but I believe the fly/ghost commands might be removed? Take that with a grain of salt, I tried it in our test server to no avail Right now no data is available for the spawn names, there is a command for that however already in place.
  2. As of right now, I'm not sure if those options are valid. I scoured about to see if I can find more information, but as of right now nothing. A good chunk of this game is pulled from ARK so I'm sure at some point those config values will be baked into the game. I did check your config, and what I can see looks correct (as far as ARK goes), so we'll have to see!
  3. It wouldn't be a launch param or config, but an admin command. /admin_login <password> /fly With that in place you should be able to fly around the map. Take a look here for a list of commands: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q7IpozIAfSuDh60_gT6YXYtvPYZ_kkwXM8VPx5cs7xo
  4. I don't see anything specific in the wiki for the config regarding values on these but by going against any other multiplier in game with a value of zero, those zero values default to 1. If you want this to drain super slow (not sure of any way to actually disable it), then do as Deez suggested and use a float. Assuming defaults of 1, and reducing the drain to 1 percent, the values would be: PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=0.01 PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=0.01 PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=0.01 ​This effectively brings the drain speed from 100% to 1%
  5. Take a look now, digging further to see if there is a root cause of this as all config values are saved correctly on the backend.
  6. @Xeirus We're aware of an issue on that machine, currently waiting for more data from our DataCenter techs.
  7. Got it to stick on PVE, looking further into this for you!
  8. No worries, if you want to move ahead on that just open up a ticket
  9. We're looking further into this, host machine is having some errors on one of the RAM slots. If you like we can swap you to another machine in the interim
  10. @Depito92 have you looked at your logs? I took a look at your compiler log for Oxide and it looks like SignArtist.cs has an issue. SignArtist.cs(296,14): warning CS0114: `Oxide.Plugins.SignArtist.LoadDefaultConfig()' hides inherited member `Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.LoadDefaultConfig()'. To make the current member override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword C:\sspanel\gameservers\rust\27057\Oxide.Core.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning) FurnaceSplitter.cs(346,8): warning CS0219: The variable `originalContainer' is assigned but its value is never used
  11. I haven't seen any way to toggle first person yet sadly
  12. We're working on getting DNL up to scratch, keep checking back!
  13. Something was way off with your server config, I reset it back to default as your server was running around 2.5FPS. After the reset it came back to a stable 25-30FPS Can you PM me the details and program you are using for FTP? Using FileZilla and the connection details on your panel I could log in and navigate everything. We actually use those details for the FTP preview link on your panel (where you can see the GameUserSettings.ini button). If FTP was broken those wouldn't work properly.
  14. Sent you details, we're looking into this!
  15. That's awesome Do you have EAC enabled & Land Claim Blocks deployed?
  16. I think I managed to find your server, I did see the GameUserSettings.ini was blank so I re-saved everything from the Modify Server Config tool. For the FTP issue, I couldn't reproduce it. Are you still having a problem with it?
  17. Did this start to happen after a recent patch? Currently not seeing anything crazy on the host machine.
  18. I think we may be adding this, but in the meantime this would require a manual INI edit. This would be going to the bottom of your Game.ini. You would be changing the .ini via an FTP desktop client (like Filezilla or WinSCP). If you are new to FTP and how it works, check out this guide here: https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1479-lrn2ftp-beginners-guide-to-ftp/ You can find the location of the .ini files after logging into your FTP here: /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/GameUserSettings.ini These are the only two files you would need to remotely change. IMPORTANT: Please make sure the server is Stopped before modifying these files.
  19. It seems in some instances the map isn't fully downloading properly. If a SteamCMD/Mod clear and a validate won't work for you, open up a ticket and we'll get it resolved ASAP.
  20. Are you using a mod for this? And can you provide a GameServer ID please
  21. We simply have set intervals you can assign your server to restart to via the panel. If you have updates enabled, then we'll check for any updates (ARK & Mods) and download them as needed.
  22. They should be back to back. For example: TheIsland?Multihome= Yiss?MaxPlayers=10?listen?ServerPassword=heyitsapassword?ServerAdminPassword=heyitsanadminpassword?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=27017?AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArk1337?ShowFloatingDamageText=true
  23. Usually that setting ?OverrideOfficialDifficulty is a custom launch parameter. You can add that in by setting your map to 'Custom' and entering a launch param in the new box offered. There's even an information icon next to that box to give you a starter launch param