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Everything posted by LazloeLonghair

  1. This will cause some error like "Failed to load modmap" or some error about a mod. This was the old mod: Research and Development V2.2c 507355109 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=507355109 The new mod you should have installed from the person who took it over is here: Research and Development WIP v2.4.1 605096060 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=605096060 Make sure to follow the instructions in the new mod page on how to convert the mods and updating your items in the game.
  2. A couple mods got removed recently, one of which is a bit of a pain to lose. This mod was Storage Plus [581683725]. I would like to recover the goods inside the boxes before removing it again, and this assuming the mod is even compatible with the latest version of the game. Using it only in local/solo mode is an available option. I have 13 other mods to load as well for any online options. Google-fu has failed to bring up anything recent and helpful. Thanks.
  3. Characters are named differently on solo and public servers. What you need to do is MAKE A COPY OF EVERYTHING in the SavedARK folder. Just right click the folder, copy, then right click on whitespace and paste it. It will append a -copy version. If you screw up, you have your backup. Make sure you COPY/PASTE files from a backup on the same hard drive, else you just move them. Next you need to find YOUR character ID. Your ID for solo is LocalPlayer.arkprofile and the ID for the online version is #################.arkprofile. The numbers are one of the versions of your Steam ID. You need to copy the name of your online profile character, delete the file (which will remove that character from the server), and rename the "LocalPlayer.arkprofile" file to that Steam ID name. You should then be able to use your solo character on the online server. If you have more than 1 person already on your online server, you need to make sure you have the right character file selected. If you need to find your ID there is an article from Steam for that: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=209000244 I also recommend making a backup copy of your server at least every couple days, depending on server activity. All you should need to copy are the profiles and 1 daily save, recommended minimum. You never know when there will be a "hardware issue" requiring moving your server where the person moving doesnt also move the save files.. Which happens.
  4. I have an update to this issue. I found something on a forum somewhere, probably Steam, where someone suspected an issue with dino settings. I did have these settings modified and ever since I had reset them to the default "1" I have not had any further issues with dinos dying on loading in. This has been a couple weeks now. The settings: Dino Water Drain Multiplier Dino Food Drain Multiplier Dino Stamina Drain Multiplier
  5. EEEP. totally boned then, unfortunately :/ It could have also been done by an admin if it were an unofficial server with a decent admin..
  6. Make a backup of the server files and try these commands in the command list: http://puu.sh/mccNO/29c0bfd4f0.png Always make a backup before messing with stuff in case you mess up. Plus it is good to have a hard copy of your server state anyway. You could also just restore from a checkpoint in the Control Panel if you mess up like this.
  7. I just had this happen to me a couple days ago. I was fortunate to have downloaded a backup via FTP a couple days prior. I loaded the backed up files into my single player and was able to upload the dinos I lost into the Ark. Good solution for a single person or small group play, not so much for public type servers..