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Everything posted by Epoxin

  1. Sorted it out now, seems other FTP programmes dont work properly, you need filezilla to access and do it properly.
  2. Tbh, ive been with a couple of server providers and for me these guys are good. The servers are normaly top notch. I dont know whether its server side or something to do with the patch/s. Bear with them, when its running your server will be loverrrlyyyyyy. Did you press the green bar at the base of the console btw? it updates then restarts your server ? just wondering,
  3. Feeling your pain here. Spent all day trying to wipe the server for a fresh start. Ive been in all states, last was unknown like yours. I loaded a back up and it came up finally as ready to join but so far im unable to as it wont register on steam. Try to reinstall from back up, the drop down box at the bottom of your control panel, thats what i did, am now trying to connect to game .. feeling another ticket coming on Anyways, good luck, hope all gets resolved for you
  4. Hi, Thanks for the reply, tried all that though. Within this forum it was stated that all you need to do is delete the files from that folder, restart and all is wiped for a clean start.
  5. Hi How about a simple button for just reinstalling the server ? So a wipe can be done if required?
  6. As per previous post. All we want to do is to play from fresh with a harder difficulty setting, easy you'd think huh ?? All day we have been attempting this and the server will not load. I have raised a support ticket. Am waiting. Followed the advice on the forums, deleted files from SavedArks and the server wouldnt load. So reinstated a back up, it loaded with all the characters etc that we didnt want. Deleted files from Saved Arks again, all the files from it like last time and not loading. Forced an update and stil nothing, will not load. This attempt is like an hour and half of server status as Started and Loading ..... Such a simple thing but why isnt it working? Is there a hardware issue with the servers causing them not to load? Am I missing something, all character files, tribe etc etc are server side so it should be a complete fresh load if they are removed from the SavedArks folder. Can you please just put in a button to resinstall server whch will wipe everything from it on the control panel? Thanks for any responses. Am going mad wasting a day for something that should just be straight forward.
  7. Thanks, had all been changed previously so that was not relevant passowrds etc. Am trying to do a fresh start on server, have removed all files from SavedArks folder and restarted server yet it still loads up all characters and bases etc?? Am I missing anything ? The SavedArks folder is totally empty , nothing in it whatsoever,
  8. And before anyone posts I have changed all the passwords in my post. I'm not that much of a numpty ....
  9. Hi We wished t start afresh on our server so we followed what was on a previous post, i.e Just delete the map from SavedArks in FTP to start over. Did that via FTP. Restarted server and now its been stuck at Started and loading for well over 1/2 hour now. We do have the following in our Launch Parametres line , it shouldnt be causing issues as it was in before and working ok /Game/Maps/TheIslandSubMaps/TheIsland?Multihome= Survive | SurvivalServers.com?MaxPlayers=30?listen?ServerPassword=?ServerAdminPassword=?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=true?ShowMapPlayerLocation=true?ServerCrosshair=true?ServerPVE=true?DifficultyOffset=1 It was fully patched up to latest patch also. Anyone have any ideas please? FYI - Game server ID GAME SERVER ID #6957 Thanks in advance for any help.
  10. Hi Many thanks for the quick response. Was only askng as it seems theres to be a Primitive Mode only set of servers on the Official Server lists. Sounds a bit complicated to adjust all that. Ill wait for more cyutomisation methinks
  11. Hi Is there to be an option for Primitive Only on the server or does anyone know how to change the server to Primitive Mode only ? Thanks all in advance of any replies.