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Everything posted by Ecka

  1. SOrry for not update this post. Too much work with my server . growing up
  2. Actually the most important feature needed is a "saveworld" This 20 min saveworld is kinda annoying You need to log in game to log as admin saveworld and after that Restart the server When you see the amount of update/day It's a lot of work .
  3. Entire server building invulnerability Actually the only problem i have is to known the server time for the settings edit: found the time on panel control. You can set when protection is up etc ... read the post
  4. http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/594821545177819162/ Enjoy guys
  5. The title and this link dear admin ! http://ark.bar/blog/post/arkpluginloader-and-invulnerablebases If you tell me we can do this i jump on this asap
  6. enablecheats yourpass Cheat SaveWorld done
  7. So i just unleash the kraken and open my server for more people And at 30 people the server is soooo laggy I buy for a 60 slot but it seems the server can't handle more than 30. I'm not the first who say that and i'm kinda worried about lose my community So can someone give me a real answer. Does the slot we pay is enough? Did we need to change host ? A clear answer would be cool GAME SERVER ID #5976Thanks
  8. Same #5976 It's a steam issue 6k server downloading now so it's normal that we can't
  9. Nope but the charachter import is kinda bugged actually It allow to : Create a char on local server Make it 60 with ( 1000 trex level 100) Save the char and upload on a private one (even if you have disabled the download ark data it work : /) And i let you immagine what someone can do with this
  10. http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/9/594820473983336437/ Tested and it work : / So be carefull with people on your servers guys Keep an eye on them
  11. Done Thanks for the very fast support guys YOU ROCK !!!!!
  12. Since the begining the update of the serv was short (Near 1 min on the control panel) but since yesterday it take ages to restart (10 min? 20 min?) Did you change something ? Did you guys have this trouble too or i'm good to open a ticket ? Thanks ! ps: Sorry for this terribad english
  13. Thanks didn't notice the change 1rst page updated with more stuff
  14. Perso pas de soucis chez moi 5h une resiliation c'est un peu rude Etant allé voir la concurrence je peut te dire qu'on est bien loti ici
  15. J'ai pas tester encore Mon serveur ne sert qu'a moi et mes potes du coup je peut pas te dire comment cela fonctionne
  16. cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <SteamID>: Whitelists the person cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <SteamID>: Removes their whitelist LEs personnes que tu ajoutent seront prioritaire sur les slots Ca a était implementé a la derniere maj
  17. 1rst page update New layout and New commands available
  18. You need to wait the new update Not implemented yet