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Everything posted by creativv

  1. It is possible . You can set behavion but its not easy to do . Take this part from wicked ai 2.2.0 that sets ai behavior . There is a section there were it calls humity . if (ai_friendly_behaviour) then { while {({alive _x} count units _group) > 0} do { if (!_guarding) then { _position = getPosATL ((units _group) select 0); }; { _player = _x; if((isPlayer _player) && ((_player distance _position) <= 1200)) then { _agro = name _player in (_x getVariable ["Aggressors", []]); if (_player getVariable ["humanity", 0] < player_bandit) then { if ((_player distance _position < 120 && _guarding) || _agro) then { _player setCaptive false; } else { _player setCaptive true; }; }; }; } forEach playableUnits; ​
  2. Server is up and running again already for some reason it wouldnt reset every time but now it has reset . Btw i know that there is no parameter needed if you just select the map overpoch chernarus but the control panel says different . this is the line of text copied exactly from the information bar in the control panel . Overpoch Chernarus/Napf Make sure all connecting users have Epoch latest installed, Overwatch installed, and add -mod=@DayZOverwatch in your additional launch parameters in Survival Launcher settings. But when doing that the server actually doesnt work . However that was not the reason the server was not working today but it's up and working now .
  3. Yes it was sorted but as off now the server is not showing at all not even via remote ip when it is running overpoch . If i change the map to Chernarus or lets say Overwatch it will show but not when i set the map to overpoch i tried changing maps a few times but doesnt want to work .
  4. << personal information removed >> Would be good to enter some stuff so you could actually find me on steam . << personal information removed >>
  5. Alright Bilco thanks . When i put the ip for the firecock servers in remote it also sayd dayz epoch chernarus at the missions tab so my idea that it should say overpoch is wrong . Thank you very much
  6. Hi Bilco , Thanks for the reply , i actually have been doing that several times with and without parameters but if i do so without the parameters the server starts up as regular epoch . At least when i type in the ip at remote the server comes up and at mission it says Dayz Epoch chernarus and ingame it says regular Epoch
  7. Btw i entered the parameters at the control panel forgot to mention that .
  8. Hello , Today i switched from Overpoch to Epoch and then back . When i switched it back i entered parameters -mod=@DayZOverwatch . But now the server will not work and is stuck at creating . Without the parameters it just turns to regular Epoch . Anyone got any idea's ? Best regards .