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Everything posted by Bilco

  1. I noticed that there are tons of slow zombie servers for Epoch/Overpoch including the Origins addition but very few for DayZ. I think there's only about 3. I searched around the good old inner web and found nothing released or instructions how to add slow zeds to regular DayZ so that's why I'm doing this one. It's pretty simple and should only take you a couple of minutes. Tools needed: PBO extracter (I use PBO manager) Notepad ++ PBO's needed: Mission PBO dayz_code (should be found in (C:)/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Arma 2 OA/@Dayz) dayz_code files needed: zombie_agent.fsm zombie_generate.sqf complies.sqf (you do not need this if you already have a custom compiles) Instructions: 1. Create a new folder on your desktop. 2. Copy dayz_code to that newly created folder and extract it. 3. In the compile folder, you will find zombie_generate.sqf. Copy that to your desktop. 4. In the system folder you will find zombie_agent.fsm. Copy that to your desktop. 5. In the init folder you will find compiles.sqf. Copy that to your desktop. 6. Using notepad++ open zombie_generate.sqf and find _id = [_position,_agent] execFSM "\z\AddOns\dayz_code\system\zombie_agent.fsm"; Change that to _id = [_position,_agent] execFSM "mods\slow_zeds\zombie_agent.fsm"; 7. Using notepad++ open zombie_agent.fsm and find "_agent forceSpeed (_agent getVariable [""speedLimit"", 3]);" \n Change that to "_agent forceSpeed 2;" \n Steps 8, 9, and 10 can be skipped if you already have a custom compiles. 8. Unpack your mission PBO (dayz_1.chernarus) and using notepad++ open the init.sqf and find call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; Change that to call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "mods\init\compiles.sqf"; 9. In the root of your mission PBO, create a folder called mods. 10. Inside the mods folder create a new folder called init and place the compiles.sqf in that folder. 11. Open the compiles.sqf and find zombie_generate = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\zombie_generate.sqf"; Change that to zombie_generate = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "mods\slow_zeds\zombie_generate.sqf"; 12. Inside the mods folder create a folder called slow_zeds and place the zombie_agent.fsm and zombie_generate.sqf in that folder. 13. Repack your mission PBO and upload it to the server and enjoy the slow moving Zeds! Credit to: ShootingBlanks on the opendayz forums for the hint of where I might find the code to be changed.
  2. If you followed the onscreen instructions, it should be right away.
  3. AI missions are a little funny. Most were built for Chernarus. Yes you can run just about any mission system but it is only going to spawn missions where ever the script was written for it to spawn. The world space and map size are different between the maps. I had a Tavi Overpoch server in the past and ran EMS, WAI, and DZAI. Worked out pretty good. I did have to change some configs around but I liked the results. Now with your mining issues. It's no longer Origins once you add in Epoch and Overwatch. The mining (Sector B ) must be created in the editor and uploaded to the server PBO. That takes time to do and not too many people have released their work for others to use so it's harder to find one. Same goes with the loot and AI. It all has to be changed and scripted into the server. You just don't simply install the scripts and it's going to just do it's thing. The Tavi map is just as modable as any other map. It's just that once you start adding Epoch and Overwatch to regular Origins is when stuff starts to not work and it takes a skilled scripter to fix that stuff.
  4. Find !="PVDZE_plr_Save" and after that add !="PVDZE_fullobj_Publish" so it looks like this: !="PVDZE_plr_Save" !="PVDZE_fullobj_Publish" !="PVDZE_obj_Delete" That is the only difference that I can see between mine and yours.
  5. Yep. The path to the file in question is in the fn_selfactions.sqf. It should be around line 615 and will look something like this: s_player_upgrade_build = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_UPGRADE",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_upgrade.sqf",_cursorTarget, -1, false, true, "",""]; If you do not have a fn_selfactions.sqf then if you would google one from github you will find one. Same thing with the player_upgrade.sqf. Google it and you will have it. Then you can put it in your mission PBO and change the path in the selfactions to where ever you put it in your mission PBO.
  6. You should be able to find the path of that file in your fn_selfactions.sqf.
  7. I set up a test server to try to replicate this issue. Installed DayZ Set the vehicle limit to 250. The number makes no difference over 70 since there are specific vehicle locations and a set amount of vehicles for DayZ. Ran the vehicle task manager. Spawned in and found the first vehicle. Had the AH installed. Added my credentials and went into the server. Vehicle was still there and there were others on the server. I'm not sure where the problem is with these other servers. I can't replicate your issue in any way. I originally thought it was the antihack but this is not the case. I got with the support staff on this issue and offered them to use my server to try to compare any wrong or missing files. The only thing I can tell you guys is to try exactly what I did. Server should be wiped first. Simply change it to Epoch, hit the green button at the bottom and wait for the page to refresh. Uncheck the antihack box. Then change it back to DayZ and hit the green button and wait for the page to refresh. Then do in order what I did as stated above to see if it works for you. You can also create a support ticket and reference this thread as I will contact the staff of this as well.
  8. Please submit a support ticket for server specific issues.
  9. The log should tell you what you're being kicked for.
  10. I don't know what's up with anything. I'm trying to help both ends figure out where the problem is and you've just helped me narrow it down to the antihack that way I can pass it on to them and hopefully get it fixed.
  11. They are working on it as it appears to be deeper than a simple issue. Were there vehicles on the server before the antihack was added?
  12. Great! Like I said, your support ticket will be answered. Please be patient.
  13. Here is some information that may be of some use. By default there are only about 60 - 70 vehicles that will spawn per every DayZ vanilla server. You can set the spawn number to what ever you want, you'll never get over the default amount. After a vehicle is destroyed, it could take up to 14 days for it to respawn...just FYI. Now there is a way to add more vehicles so not all hope is lost. You can do this through the database. You'll need the class names of the vehicles and the world space to where you want it to spawn. It's time consuming and can be a pain in the ass but that's about it. Epoch is different. In the mission PBO you simply adjust to your liking. I don't suggest setting them over 250 as it can cause server lag. Your ticket will be answered. It can take up to 24 hours so be patient. If you bump it, it will go back to the end of the line.
  14. That depends what you are running. It's either in your mission PBO or your server data base.
  15. If you submitted a support ticket then we will let them fix your issue.
  16. If you are having issues and it is server specific please submit a support ticket.
  17. Did you purchase it when you purchased the server?
  18. If you have infiSTAR installed, you'll put your steam ID on the control panel in the appropriate place. Restart your server by hitting the green button at the bottom and that's all set. Then in game you use the tool by pressing F2. A useful desktop tool for admins is Dart. If you're talking about BE commands, you'll have to put your credentials via FTP. The path is BEC/Config/Admins.xml.
  19. The only other option is for you to submit a support ticket. I don't have access to your server, I'm simply a community manager on the forums.
  20. https://forum.filezilla-project.org/viewtopic.php?t=7876
  21. Bilco


    Not really sure who you were waiting on to answer this. I do have a life and other things going on at the moment so my time on the forums has been very limited. A simple google search would've told you what the problem is but since that is apparently too hard I'll tell you what your problem is. It's an error caused by you not having the island/map to which the mission is being played on. I'll try to break it down even further. You didn't do something right...
  22. You could restart your server. Go into your RPT and copy from the very bottom until the time where it was restarted and paste it in a spoiler here in the forums.
  23. I created a tutorial in the Arma 2 section of how to do this. It's the same method for Arma 3.
  24. Check your RPT for any errors you are getting.
  25. How long ago did you submit a support ticket? Post the ticket number and I'll forward it to the support guys. Usually tickets are answered under 12 hours. Also, they can help you set up your infistar. Ryan's zombies are pretty easy to do. I would be careful about other weapons and vehicles that are not native to epoch as they may not be interactive with traders. Not 100% on that as I've never actually tried that. AI town invasion is probably an easy one as well but haven't messed with it. I get it you're new to this stuff. It'll come to you over time.