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Everything posted by StealthyMartian

  1. Never had this issue. May submit a support ticket on this one.
  2. Never had this issue. May submit a support ticket on this one.
  3. I have been wanting to install these myself just haven't had time. There is a tut out there showing it. should be on the website that you get the files from. If i get a few days off in a row from work I will try and see if i can get it up and running.
  4. I have been wanting to install these myself just haven't had time. There is a tut out there showing it. should be on the website that you get the files from. If i get a few days off in a row from work I will try and see if i can get it up and running.
  5. I custom install all my mods myself besides the new GUI set up. I couldn't find it anywhere on the web so I just had them do it lol. The regular chopper is working fine just not the custom ones. Let me know what you find out on your end.
  6. I custom install all my mods myself besides the new GUI set up. I couldn't find it anywhere on the web so I just had them do it lol. The regular chopper is working fine just not the custom ones. Let me know what you find out on your end.
  7. that is weird. I am not having any issue with trader menu not showing but i am having trouble with my custom heli patrol spawns. they wont show up.
  8. that is weird. I am not having any issue with trader menu not showing but i am having trouble with my custom heli patrol spawns. they wont show up.
  9. Been busy with work past few days. I have not worked around with any of this. I will take a look at it later today or tomorrow see what I can figure out.
  10. Been busy with work past few days. I have not worked around with any of this. I will take a look at it later today or tomorrow see what I can figure out.
  11. Sometimes the set up process bugs up and needs to be manually fixed. Please submit a support ticket to have them fix your server. Now I do have to say it is the weekend and support does not work on weekends. First time Monday they will get you up and running. Link to support ticket is in my sig below. Also not having infistar installed is not the issue. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  12. Sometimes the set up process bugs up and needs to be manually fixed. Please submit a support ticket to have them fix your server. Now I do have to say it is the weekend and support does not work on weekends. First time Monday they will get you up and running. Link to support ticket is in my sig below. Also not having infistar installed is not the issue. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  13. That is where the items are located. try these: i use Logistic tow and lift http://pastebin.com/fhMLLYUE
  14. That is where the items are located. try these: i use Logistic tow and lift http://pastebin.com/fhMLLYUE
  15. The UID is the numbers that are linked to your arma account. Head into arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, Once it boots up go into Player Profile. From there select your character you use. then hit the Edit button the right side. Once in there at the very bottom you will see a section called Player ID. That is your UID which It will be a 17 digit code. If you are using it for the anti hack. copy the whole set of numbers and past it into that section.
  16. The UID is the numbers that are linked to your arma account. Head into arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, Once it boots up go into Player Profile. From there select your character you use. then hit the Edit button the right side. Once in there at the very bottom you will see a section called Player ID. That is your UID which It will be a 17 digit code. If you are using it for the anti hack. copy the whole set of numbers and past it into that section.
  17. The issue may be what vehicles are listed inside of the config file of the lift mod you installed. I know when I installed mine (i will look what i have). I had to tweek it a bit to have the listed vehicles the traders had. Is there a config file in there that list vehicles?
  18. The issue may be what vehicles are listed inside of the config file of the lift mod you installed. I know when I installed mine (i will look what i have). I had to tweek it a bit to have the listed vehicles the traders had. Is there a config file in there that list vehicles?
  19. Allow them a bit of time to get to the ticket. At times they have a few to sift through but no worries as they will get you fixed up .