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Everything posted by Geoffry

  1. the game is hard coded for that level.... You have to use the mod to go higher I do believe
  2. What does it show in game on your exp bar, if it still shows max as 28027 then you will have reset the game.ini using the config tool and reboot the server to ensure that a new game.ini is loaded and that number will change to the required exp for the next level... FYI it was not a setting that was actually in the modify config tool, but it was 2 lines of code in the game.ini
  3. I am looking at the Valhalla map lately myself but since the mod develope says only 9% complete I have been holding off.. Hey Ryan any chance of getting a separate mod discussion area??
  4. I have not tried that exact mod, but it should work... I read the comments and see if there are folks actually running it ok -- So what I need to figure out is: -- If I install a mode – does those playing on the server need to have the mode to play on the server ? Or are mods run entirely server side ? Once the mod is applied to the server, any client that connects to it will automatically download it... -- Does this guide still apply Yes to some point it does, Subscribe to the mod - This will download the mod to your client. Should be located in SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\folder\modnumber In my case the folder was a number 346110 modnumber is the numbered fold for the mod example was 503554775 which was the roofing mod (now incorporated into the game) you will FTP that entire folder to: /ShooterGame/Content/Mods when done it should look like: /ShooterGame/Content/Mods/modnumber I never could find the modnumber.mod file but it was in the Mod folder after I restarted the server last is on the server panel page under Modify Game Server Settings Add the modnumber to the Mod ID(s) box (if more than oone mod separate with a comma) Restart the server Hope this helps... I know they are redoing the destructions for this so if you have any questions just ask again.. The roofing mod worked great for a couple of days and then was incorporated into the game... I assume that eventually you would just have put the number in the box and the rest would be automated, based on all the great new things on the server control panel (great work Ryan and Company)....
  5. Thats what i had and you can either delete these two lines from game.ini OverrideMaxExperiencePointsPlayer=28027 OverrideMaxExperiencePointsDino=28027 or set them to the max level defined by the ones in the game.ini it was just easier to delete em for me I can add em back later when we have the correct xp numbers our level 80 team mate is not gaining xp so it is probably hard set elsewhere
  6. delete the 2 lines or set player to 184500 dino to 67860 those are the max settings that are defined in the game.ini
  7. It should I started gaining exp again (was lvl 69) once i removed it and our level 80 guy still doesn't so it capped elsewhere.. Ryan should be looking at it
  8. It was quoted in one of the patch notes awhile back that the 1 - 3 version only applied to official servers. So I have always been confused on this one since the devs have not answered the question directly.
  9. I was only at level 69, and not gaining exp, besides the numbers should have been different... in the game.ini is shows ExperiencePointsForLevel[74]=112000 so there is a mix match since the basic game is actually at level 80 now, and the game.ini only goes to 78....
  10. There a block line for exp in game.ini Mine was this below OverrideMaxExperiencePointsPlayer=28027 OverrideMaxExperiencePointsDino=28027 so no matter what i did i didnt gain exp I deleted the lines and am receiving xp again.. we shall see how it goes...
  11. Only the official severs can change the difficulty setting to 4 from what I recall... 0.0 is normal we think and 1.0 is 300% more difficult... they made it all confusing when they (devs) started throwing out the 2x 3x 4x terms then said in one of the patch notes that it applied to official servers only for the 4x
  12. Yes there are some hackers out there, we banned 3 individuals and all the offline griefing (aka dragging dinos to your base to destroy things) stopped... These kids were not to smart about what they were doing so it was easy to tell they had access (One kid gained 20 levels in a 3 days with minimal time less than an hour a day played) they some how had access to the admin cheats even though it was turned off and I reset the password numerous times.. Right now without logs you have to rely on many other people watching..
  13. I am still waiting on a true answer to this one from a dev in the steam forums In GameUserSettings.ini under [serverSettings] DifficultyOffset=0 Right now it the value 0.0 to 1.0 with 0 being normal, and 1.0 being 3X (community speculation) offically from the dev release notes I saw 0 as 50% more and 10 as 300% more... I set mine to 0.75 and they still seem pretty easy...
  14. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=454529617 Is a place to start but to tell the truth some of the settings are a bit confusing...
  15. Latest update of ARKon shows chat now and allows for chat and PM's to the users..... Really nice..... Soft copy of the log files as well ....
  16. Is the AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt in the correct format and correct location ?? Format 765611980XXXXXXXX 765611980XXXXXXXX 765611980XXXXXXXX 765611981XXXXXXXX Saved in /ShooterGame/Saved/AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt
  17. ARKon tool that Bilco posted a link to is a good start.. hopefully FaceWound will continue to update it... there is another post by Ryan in here showing it as well as some hints to set it up... See the first pinned post in this forum...
  18. Try utilizing AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt to white list your admins create a text file with your admin steam ids each on a separate line Upload it to ShooterGame/Saved/ then you can just open the console commands and type your commands: cheat ghost cheat fly etcetc
  19. there is a folder ShooterGame/Saved/Logs with an empty ShooterGame.log .... Hopefully there will be a way to utilize it soon... I know on my server we have some kids that we know are cheating somehow, just cannot figure out how one kid went from level 55 to 65 in two days and then his buddy did it in 1 day even boosting narcotics it takes a few days of constant farm / create.. they only average a few hours online a day... download is shut off so the cannot be using single player mode...
  20. T see whats been happening, as far as I can tell the log file is there but not turned on.. Its empty on my server.. to see who has been on your server or has played recently... Launch the game.... do a shift tab to bring up steam, then in the friends box you can click view players it will show you current and recent game who is or has played on the servers you have been on... Not real accurate but you can tell if you know your history
  21. What are you referring to putting command line params I didnt add anything to my .ini your GameUserSettings.ini should have 2 lines at the end of the [serverSettings] block RCONPort=XXXXX (mines is 18417 which is assigned by the host ??) RCONEnabled=True and of course the ServerAdminPassword from the second line some of the earlier posts talked about adding this line: ?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=32330?ServerAdminPassword=123 but it would be incorrect Hope this helps
  22. Trying to figure out DifficultyOffset= In the notes the mention 2.0 and 3.0 however the still only reference this from 0 to 1 which is 300% increase has anyone changed to like 1.5 0r 2.0 etc etc...