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  1. Same. I was told to copy everything over so I started. It was working for some time and then the FTP just started crapping out. Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server 10% done and now I can't connect to get the remaining files. It would be nice to know just the necessary bits, or at least have a consistent server to DL from. Smaller amount of data would make it quicker and more easy to do. I hope somebody posts that info.
  2. Ok, so I got back from a week or so away from home and now my server is totally busted, which is to say that it says "Server Details: Stopped" I've tried rebooting, updating, and clicking the little "start" button on the Control Panel UI to no avail. I figured maybe something was up with Survival Servers and gave this a few days. I usually play Ark for the weekend and now it's Sunday and all my buddies and I are pretty grumpy that I can't get this things to work. What can I do to fix this? Anybody have any ideas?
  3. Awesome. Both of you guys. Or rather... one of you guys and one of you creatures. Many thanks. Ryan - awesome haircut.
  4. Hey guys, does anybody know a command to figure out who's on the server? Or even a log file to look in? I'd love to have the play by play of who has been in the server by game name or by steam name. I'm sure it's a pretty simple thing to check, but I have no clue presently. thanks.
  5. Ok Rabb. I'm learning. That didn't work. Here's what you want to do - use the FTP and edit this file: /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/GameUserSettings.ini Put a couple spaces after your server settings and add the stuff you want. When you save that file and re-up it to the FTP then boot your server, it will have worked. This is a good list of commands http://ark.gamepedia.com/Admin_Game_Commands Next I'd like to find out how to do admin things like message of the day, etc. Not sure how but I'm sure it's easy. Anybody else want to chime in, please do. This forum seems to have some good info in it already, but hopefully I've helped somebody figure out how to set custom game parameters up.
  6. +1 to this post. I'm new running a server and did so in order to host for my buddies and I. So far I'd tried typing in server commands into the custom launch parameters but had no luck. I tried typing the commands with a ? after them and it didn't work out. Next I read the FTP guide and downloaded filezilla etc. I then edited ShooterGame/Config/DefaultEditorUserSettings.ini (this is not the file to edit) added these lines: [serverSettings] ShowMapPlayerLocation=True ServerHardcore=True GlobalVoiceChat=False ProximityChat=False NoTributeDownloads=False AllowThirdPersonPlayer=False AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft=False DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined=True ServerPVE=False ServerCrosshair=True ServerForceNoHUD=False DifficultyOffset=0 ServerAdminPassword=******* ServerPassword=******* I'm currently rebooting my server to see if this works. I'll let you know if it does.