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Ryan Pennington

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Everything posted by Ryan Pennington

  1. When in doubt wait about an hour for slow/large servers (many mods) Secondary to that after trying another time please create a support ticket and we have some action plans in place for these instances.
  2. I'm seeing new year backups on other game servers.. so something else might be going on. Will take a look via support ticket if you create a ticket.
  3. Please submit a ticket so we can take a look at your game server directly to give you an explanation for a longer than usual load time. It's account specific generally.
  4. It should save before every restart and stop automatically. If that's not working please submit a ticket so we can take a closer look.
  5. This is account specific and not a forum oriented topic - so it is being closed. If you have further questions, follow up via your support ticket.
  6. This is account specific and not a forum oriented topic - so it is being closed. If you have further questions, follow up via your support ticket.
  7. Ryan Pennington

    Rust server

    This is account specific and not a forum oriented topic - so it is being closed. If you have further questions, follow up via your support ticket.
  8. Something like modding is really forum oriented - but specific questions are important too to get community input of course.
  9. That's a first! I haven't noticed anything on our end but will look into it.
  10. Please submit a support ticket so we can isolate the issue on your game server. Happy Holidays!
  11. We have a thread for these types of posts with further information.
  12. Please submit a support ticket so we can take a look. This is not something that can be resolved in a forum post unfortunately.
  13. We utilize NVMe drives. The problem is that ARK is a gigantic game even on the server end. It takes time to update and/or verify game files. There are ways to improve the regular start up or if you want to change a quick setting without re-verification of files, all of that can be configured using your control panel. We'd be happy to guide you through if you create a support ticket. Time zone is a good idea and we'll look into it.
  14. Yes you can specify custom launch params using the "custom" under map drop down. From there click on the little "i" info icon next to Map to read more details about how to do everything. As far as the NYE event yes we'll have a toggle up for that shortly.
  15. It's supposed to be a comma separated list, not a semi-colon separator.
  16. This is not a community forum topic and thus has been closed. We'll take a look at your ticket as we normally do 24/7.
  17. I also checked your ticket and see that you created a ticket at 5:37pm, wrote this forum topic at 5:56pm, and our staff responded in your ticket 6:01pm.
  18. Not all of our staff are listed as Administrators. There are moderators here that are staff as well. Our primary avenue to reach out to us is support ticket. These are community forums not a direct support line. We do check here semi regularly though (a few times a week and more regularly during a major issue or game/content release)
  19. You are quite welcome. Thank you for the kind words, we appreciate you!