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  1. Today
  2. P3RVISAG3

    Scum Admin

    Nvm i'm just slow I got it now.
  3. P3RVISAG3

    Scum Admin

    Where do I add my steam ID to access the admin for my sever. I don't see a spot to add my steam id under sever settings.ini.
  4. Yesterday
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  6. If you have not been helped by a ticket yet. Please send one in and we can get you fixed up.
  7. hanyxz12

    Serve cant start

    My serve can't start, please help!
  8. Do you have a faq or guide that explain how to use backup from the panel?
  9. Sadly the save data and server files are locked currently. As the developer has requested that the data remained locked till they are ready to release the files for full launch. Currently we do make backups on our end that can be restored from the panel.
  10. Always, and I mean always check the box 'Skip Save Config' when restarting your server. If you don't it will overwrite the config file with a default one loosing all the changes you made.
  11. Is there a way to access the live server console so I can see who's connecting, disconnecting etc?
  12. Hi, I found many old topic about back up server for Scum and admin's are telling it was not possible. I'm working to back up mine for days and I'm not finding any ways. Is it always impossible or is there a way to do it? I've seen in a topic that SURIVAL SERVERS make backup on their own, how can we access these back up if our server crash? Last question, we use it as a private server so I will probably not play all the summer. If we stop paying for a month, do we lost everything if I can't backup the server on my own disc? I'm using WinSCP and I'm not finding any save files or anything that could help. I tried to back up all the files, move things in game into my server then overwrite all the files with my backup and it change nothing in the server.
  13. Earlier
  14. Is your server still up and running?
  15. Please send a ticket in and we can help get this corrected.
  16. How do you delete an extra .json file through FTP? I updated the servers json file, now I have 2. Is there a way to delete? Kind of urgent since this is a very critical time to get our V-Rising server up. TIA!
  17. It should be a smooth transition as there is not much changing for PC builds. From what I am seeing it will just be another update to the current file system that will push it over to 1.0.
  18. Is everything looking good for server host for the new 1.0 coming?
  19. If your server still is not on the panel please let us know in a ticket.
  20. I've put in some mod links to my ark server i have just purchased, did a little stuff in settings and it took like an hour or more to "load" them in, talking about when i clicked save settings and restart. Even though I tried to start the server but it didnt seem to work, so i tried updating the server and now it says I have to wait, I dont want to wait another hour if I dont have to can anyone help me?
  21. Our goal here in the SURVIVEZ community is to make a relaxed fun 18+ server for everyone to enjoy with no admin abuse or taking sides on issues. Everyone's opinions and suggestions will be taken into consideration by admin team At the end of the day it's a game and we all just want to have fun and not have to deal with toxic players. We operate as an RP server that will have raid weekends every 2 weeks with PVP every weekend from Friday morning at 00:00am to Sunday nights at 11:59pm EST. Here is a list of what we have regarding gameplay at the moment. Rp/ Pve/ Pvp Active admins Chernarous Build Anywhere Custom builds Full Stamina Discord Channel Drugs Mouse/ Keyboard 3hour day/ 30min night Full Cars/ Vehicle's Custom SZ with rentals available and Jobs. Police/ Taxi Co. And more. Stores/ Businesses available. Robberies/Cartels/Factions Extra Wildlife Player ran businesses 18+ age requirement Whitelist Server No toxic trash players allowed Grow weed Or sell powder 20min nights Player Operated In game currency cash! Stored in the Novy Sobor bank INIVTE YOUR FRIENDS HERE: https://discord.gg/25yr6KMPMq
  22. 请问怎么在SCUM中寻找我的SCUM服务器!我的控制面板里面没有显示服务器!
  23. If you still spot this problem. Please send a ticket in as we can better assist there.
  24. How am I supposed to know what the launch parameters change? I don't see anything about them in the wiki? Where can I find more information?
  25. We have created a cluster and we cant transfer dinos outside th setting off what disallow download dinos outside cluster. I cant find any way or form to make it so we could download old dinos from the last time we have saved into singleplayer and bring them into the new servers can somebody please help what to do...
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