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altis life/ add admins


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altis life 4.4 as new server get kicked by battle eye, disable it get kicked by spyglass, needs to be fixed, also if possible altis 5.0 to be added to mods list, and if anyone knows how to add admins on server?

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I am having the same issue with Battle eye and the Spyglass kicking me from my own server with nothing active aside from the Atlis life mod 4.4.  I have tried everything I can think and have already spent several hours trying to find the issue and a fix online.  

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On 4/24/2021 at 4:45 PM, Blood0Fang said:

I am having the same issue with Battle eye and the Spyglass kicking me from my own server with nothing active aside from the Atlis life mod 4.4.  I have tried everything I can think and have already spent several hours trying to find the issue and a fix online.  

Believe we may of fixed you up already. If not let us know in a ticket.

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