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Destroy a player's base as an admin?


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A couple of players built their bases and after a couple of days they decided to no longer play on the server. They possibly got a refund for the game. However, the bases are in the way for some players as they built too close prior to quitting. I have tried using admin commands such as cheat kill, destroymytarget, givetome, giveallstructure, etc and none of them worked. Wiping the map clean is not an option, nor is rewinding the server as I will have to go back to day 1. How can I go ahead and remove the unwanted structures from the map/server? Is there a different command for PixArk.


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As of now, it appears there is no way to do so in PixArk, I have gone through several threads and forum posts all leading to others saying they were unable to destroy bases.

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You can use the command SetCanAttackStructure to allow you to destroy the foundations the player put around. This might work for you i have had some say it works and some says it does not work for them......

Cheat SetCanAttackStructure 1 = Turns option on
Cheat SetCanAttackStructure 0 = Turns option off
If 1 and 0 does not work try with the option True / False
To destroy the foundations in 1 hit use the Super Pickaxe:
Cheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/CubeWorld/Blueprints/ToolItems/ToolItemBPS/CW_ToolItemBP_SuperTestPick.CW_ToolItemBP_SuperTestPick'" 1 0 0
NOTE: All other players can destroy/raid other players while this option is on, so use it as fast as possible and make sure you disable it after.

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