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Time Setting on VMs/Servers


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Is there some reason why you won't set local times on these VMs/Servers?  Trying to work with your custom restarts is a nightmare when your times are all over the place.


 For example, it shows the current time of this server is 19:20 -6 GMT time.  Which this is not even right.  As of this post it is 6:45 am PST or  14:45 PM GMT.


Meanwhile look at what the panel says for 24 hour restart.


Current Time
March 07, 2018 16:10 GMT-6 (Pacific Standard Time)



It also stats it will restart at 19:20 pm GMT.  That is also not the case as my server with this setting restarts at 7:20 PM PST every night.  If these were truly going by the time it states this should be happening at 7:20 AM PST not in the evening.


Are you even using an NTP server to keep your times correct and sync?  Also, what are you doing to prevent time drifting?





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