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Change of RCON port


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I recently can not connect to Rcon of infistar.

I confirmed in the EXILE community that Rconport is wrong with game port + 4. How can I change the Rcon port to +5?

Currently, the port of the game server is 6802.

My server has "BEServer_active_51c6.cfg" and "BEServer_active_263c.cfg".

Both have the same content.


RconPassword MYPASS

MaxPing 350


RconPort 6806


I tried Dart and EPM - RCon - Tool - version -, but none of them failed to connect.


Your guidance will be appreciated.


If it is bad english it will be im sorry.

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I recently can not connect to Rcon of infistar.
I confirmed in the EXILE community that Rconport is wrong with game port + 4. How can I change the Rcon port to +5?
Currently, the port of the game server is 6802.
My server has "BEServer_active_51c6.cfg" and "BEServer_active_263c.cfg".
Both have the same content.
RconPassword MYPASS
MaxPing 350
RconPort 6806
I tried Dart and EPM - RCon - Tool - version -, but none of them failed to connect.
Your guidance will be appreciated.
If it is bad english it will be im sorry.



Put in a support ticket.  They will get you fixed up.  After they fix it you will be able to connect through Dart or EPM.

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Put in a support ticket.  They will get you fixed up.  After they fix it you will be able to connect through Dart or EPM.

Thank you very much.
I will post a support ticket.
I appreciate it.

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