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Server Player History?

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Hey guys,


I'm wondering how would I check who's joined my server from the beginning of time.  I don't want to see who's online right now but those who have logged into my server in the past. It would be even better if a time stamp were included. Thanks for your help

I'm new around here and was unable to find an answer to this question in the forum.

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Thank you. I understand there's a command for getting server logs stored. As of right now it doesn't appear logs are storing. I understand I can get these logs using a software like Arkon, or I can enter in this command which might slow the server a little.


Can you give me a quick walk through on how to enable these server logs and view them?  Not sure where to put what exactly. 



* Server Admin Logs (including RCON support) , launch with "-servergamelog" and use RCON command "getgamelog" to print 100 entries at a time also outputs to dated file in in "\Logs", adjust max length of RCON buffer with commandline:

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You could try adding -servergamelog to your custom config tool at the bottom of it. Then add the ?RCONServerGameLogBuffer=600 to your custom luanch parameter by setting your map to custom. Then grab the launch parameter for your map through the (i) info icon next to the launch parameter box. From there simply add it to the end of of the launch parameter.

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In "Advanced Launch Params" I found a checkbox labeled "Server Log" and selected that. Now there's a text file showing all login and logout history. With time I will see what else it shows (maybe tribe activity if I'm lucky).  This checkbox appeared to accomplish the same thing we discussed above. Nice and simple.

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Sweet, for anyone who's reading this, it does in fact report tribe logs as well. When one tribe killed another tribes dino, it showed up exactly like it would in a tribe log in my admin server logs. Happy day!  :mrgreen:


Glad that you were able to see this with the above method! 

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